Chapter 7: The Others

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It's not everyday you get to see a battle of the paranormal.

Especially if the paranormal in question hits you with a "'Sup."

The tall, unnecessarily hot guy sauntered over to where we were standing, joined by the smaller but equally unnecessarily cute girl.

Speaking of unnecessary, my guaradian spoke for the first time since his epic face dive, "What are you doing here?"

"That's my line, tube light." The tall guy is apparently not a fan.

"Ignis, play nice." The pretty brunette turned to me, "What's your name?"

She smiled and I couldn't remember.

Yeah, I'm pathetic.

"Dagas, you want to introduce us?"

Wait. Who's..?

"Sam, Ignis, this is Daniel," my guardian, who apparently had a name besides 'Saviour', gestured like he was trying to find the right word, "He's.. my human."

Gee, I'm touched.

"Yeah, pleasure. You still didn't answer me." Ignis glared at my guardian and I felt like cowering.

"That's because you didn't ask me.." He trailed off, rethinking his stupid decision."Look, it's really none of your business is it?"

Oh my god he's gonna die.

Sam stepped in between, "No, it's just that.." She glanced at me, then back to Dagas, "You're not supposed to.."

"Interfere directly. I know."

"Oh. So you'll go back?"

"Um... Not yet."

Sam's smile faltered while Ignis flashed one of his own,"You're just asking for it aren't you?"

"Can we not do this in front of him?" Dagas jabbed a thumb at me.

Yes, hi. Thanks for noticing me.

"If you're so worried about your little boyfriend, leave and I'll handle him."

Ok first of all, ew.

"Ok, first of all, gross. And.."

I didn't let him finish,"Actually, I think I'd rather have Dagas with me."

All three angels looked at me with varying degrees of shock.

It had taken me a while to realize what was happening here. Dagas was the Daniel Saviour of the afterlife and Ignis was Jason.

And yeah, I don't like bullies.

"He beat up this big guy, Jason, for me and..Ow!" Dagas elbowed me in the ribs, "What's that for?"

"Jason?" Ignis raised an eyebrow. "Jason...Severide?"

"Oh, hey, you know him?"

"He's my human."

I think I saw my life flash before my eyes right there.

"Daniel's kidding, Ignis. Dagas knows the rules against physically attacking a human," Sam's dark eyes were pleading, "Don't you?"

"Ah.. sure."

"And you know what'll happen if you mess with the rules right?" Ignis asked, as if taunting him.

Dagas's jaw clenched,"Of course I do."

I recoiled at the venom in his voice. Thankfully, before I became a hyperventilating mess, Sam (bless her) pulled Ignis aside. "The shadow's lifting. We should go."

Sure enough, the weird darkness had started melting away.

"Fine," he growled. "This isn't over."

Before I could react, he hurled an actual fireball at Dagas, who let it singe his ear as it shot into the wall behind him.

Ignis took a running start, deliberately knocking him aside with a shoulder before disappearing into the flames.

"Dagas, I'm sorry.." Sam started, tucking a loose strand behind her ear.

"Don't.. It's not your fault." He shrugged, crossing his arms.

"No, what he said wasn't right-"

"Sam," Dagas's tone was surprisingly gentle, "It's okay."

I think it's safe to start breathing again.

"Ok then. Take care, Dagas." She turned to me, "You too, Daniel."

I was wrong. Can't breathe.

Sam reached for a bottle that was hanging from her belt. "Do the honours?" She held out a pink Hello Kitty thermos.

Dagas smiled, an actual smile showing a tiny dimple he had on his left. He unscrewed the cap letting the water fall at arm's length.

Sam winked at me before leaping through the stream, vanishing as the last drop fell.

Dagas was still smiling faintly as he let the bottle fall. Then he saw me gaping at him. "What?"

"You like her." I feigned being scandalised.

"Shut up, Dorkus." He turned to exit the alley, not looking at me as he stomped past.

"Ooooh" I sang as I skipped behind him. "Someone's blushing."

"I can drag you to hell."

"Touchy touchy."

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