Chapter 4: Truce

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I'm aware I was going in circles around the witch's castle. I was hoping to tire him out which should've been easy considering his thirty foot drop, but dang, he could run.

I periodically yelled apologies over my shoulders even though I had nothing to be sorry about. At least, I don't think so.

"Seriously! What do you want from me?" I yelled as I stumbled into the broken castle.


I turned.

That THUNK! was the sound of his nose against...nothing? I stared at the scene in front of me.

The psycho nut was pounding at the air before him but he couldn't seem to enter the building.

Either he's a really talented mime or there's an invisible barrier there.

Woop, he just threw himself at the entrance. Yeah, there's a barrier there.

"What the heck..?" I moved closer to him.

"Daniel, stop it!"

"I'm not doing anything!"

"Well..,stop not doing anything.."

Okay, he's officially lost it. Now's as good a time as any to make my case, right?

"I don't believe you're my guardian angel, but if you are, you're definitely being punished for sucking at it!" I dabbed at him because nothing seals an argument like dabbing. Trust me.

He stopped his violent assault on nothing and collapsed to his knees. "You're right." It was barely more than a whisper. "I suck at everything." He turned his back to me. "Now I'm a goddamn penguin," he sniffled.

My internal screaming was drowned out by my stupid bleeding heart.

Guess. What. I. Did.

"Hey, it's not your fault." I reached through the entrance and touched his shoulder. "I'm sor- Aaaaghh!!"

The sneaky rat flipped me over his shoulder and sat on my chest. He pinned my head down with one hand and picked up a feather from the ground.

"Do you see this, Daniel?"

Yes, Captain Obvious. I do.

He continued. "Do you know where it's from?"

I shook my head as best I could.

"No? Well, it's- it was- mine."

The feather was glinting silver in the light and was abnormally large and stiff...but I didn't want to believe that...No, it can't be.

"You don't believe me, do you?"


I stayed silent.

"Maybe this will change your mind." He crushed the feather in his hand and it crumbled to dust, falling through his fingers and onto the ground. The powder darkened the area where it had landed and a miniature ring of mushrooms- a fairy ring- formed around it.

My head spun. I wanted to throw up and cry, preferably at the same time. All the crazy seemed to expand my brain, trying to fit itself and something clicked.

It was risky, but it was an idea.

"Hey, Schwarzenangel,if I brought you down, wouldn't that make me the only one who can send you back?"

He stopped bobbing up and down, brow furrowing. "Well, yeah..."

I gestured to my current position. "And you think I want to help you after this?"


He thought for a second, then leaned in. "You better. Or else I'll be stuck down here with you. And I'm immortal."

Okay, no.

I tried to sound braver than I was. "Well, then I guess we each have something the other wants."

He tilted his head to the side. "I'm listening."

"Do what you were supposed to do in the first place. Be my guardian and in return," I pointed to the sky, "I'll help you get back."

Ten seconds passed very awkwardly. "Deal." He got up and stared me down. "Don't double cross me."

I glared back. "I don't know how to."


(A/N) Um, hi. If anyone is actually even reading this.. I've taken down and re-uploaded this book a few times already. I don't know I get really anxious.

But seriously, thank you for taking the time to read this. This story was stuck in my head since 9th grade so I wanted to share it.... Hope you like it.

*Finger guns*

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