Chapter 5: Surviving High School

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I know what you're thinking.

Gee, Dagas, I thought you didn't want to be found by mortals. Now you're teaming up with one? Whaaaaat?

I wasn't worried about exposing divinity. The failsafe memory wipe would take care of that. I was afraid of being stuck down here in this godforsaken place.

No offence.

That kid, though, Daniel, I turn my back on him for one second and he managed to screw up his life all on his own.

Okay, maybe it was more than a second. Maybe it was a couple of years, but I have no concept of time, alright?

I paced my crash site. No matter how hard I tried, my wings just wouldn't activate. That stupid child has something to do with this.

I tried establishing a mental link with him. No biggie, just something I can do because I'm awesome.

I tapped into his memories of that morning.

"Okay, Daniel Isaac Saviour of......Portland High, you're about to meet your new class mate."

I winced. Someone just threw a football at him/me.

Isolated incident. How bad can highschool be?



The day started out normal enough. I came to school early, camped out in class with my hoodie pulled low like a derp ninja, waiting for my daily dose of pain.

Super normal.

Oh, right, also, that freakin' angel walked in and the teacher didn't even bat an eye.

No,wait. It gets better. Some girls -and guys- whipped their necks to look at him so fast, I'm surprised they didn't break it.

Isn't this great? Not only does my teacher think he's part of this class, half the class thinks he's gorgeous. he?

I shook myself out of that deep dark hole as he slipped into the seat next to me.

"Morning, Daniel."

"I know it is. What are you doing here? I told you to wait for me at the forest."

He shrugged. "I need this done and I need it fast." He trained his eyes to the front of the classroom.


"Shhh.. Class is starting."

I want to rip my hair out.

"This week, we'll be focusing on dissection." Mr. Danvers began. "You'll be working in pairs. First team to finish gets extra credit."

He rattled off a list of teams. "Mr. Saviour, you'll be paired with the other Mr. Saviour."

A few guys snorted. Real mature.

I raised my hand. "Um..Who's the other Mr. Saviour?"

Next to me, the angelic douche bag smirked. I kid you not, I heard someone sigh.

The universe just loves pooping all over me.

"You couldn't have picked another name?" I hissed as I moved my seat closer to him.

"Eh. Didn't want to go through the hassle."

"Okay, Mr. Saviour, just shut up and let me do this. I need the extra credit." I picked up the scalpel.

"What are you doing?" He was looking at the knife.

"Dissection, genius. I can't use my fingernails."

"What are you dissecting?"

"You, if you don't shut up. But right now.." Mr. Danvers set the frog down in front of us. "..this little guy."

Fake-Saviour grabbed my hand as I was about to dig in. "Are you insane? The frog's alive."

"Yeah, not for long." I yanked my hand back.

"You're not gonna do this, Daniel."

"Watch me." I made the first cut. Immediately, bald wings here slid his finger up the wound. It sealed up and the frog and I made a very surprised croak.

"How did you do that?"

He waved the question away. "All angels have powers of regeneration.."

"Cool, so I can do this?" I stabbed him in the thigh.

"Eeep." He squeaked and put his fist over his mouth.

"Oh. You still feel pain, huh?"


"Sorry." I pulled the scalpel out. The wound closed immediately. I want to poke him again so bad....

No. Must be professional. I turned my attention to the frog.

"Don't do it, Daniel."

"What's the big deal? If I don't do this, Mr. Danvers' cat's gonna eat it."

The teacher heard this and looked at me like- 'How did you know that?'

"I'll make it painless." I leaned in.

"It's still a life! I can't just stand by and watch you.." he swatted my hand, decapitating the frog.

We stared at the mess.

"Think you can heal it?"


Just wanted to say hi to all the lovely people reading this book. Thank you so much for the support. If you don't like the book, that's okay,I hope you have a great day!

Toodles. Please don't hate me!

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