Chapter 16: Maybe

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Dagas surveyed the chaos around him. Angels and demons were locked in personal combat, their portals unattended.

"Dicks." He muttered as settled over his own portal, waiting for Solis.

Angels, he learned, often formed alliances to fight their demonic counterparts. It was only natural considering the two would have opposing abilities.

He watched as a particularly large demon hurled fireballs at an angel only for it to be hosed away.

His own ability of manipulating darkness made him formidable even by demon standards.

Solis, on the other hand, could bend light to his will and was currently the only one who could match him one on one.

It was no surprise that he was the leader of a particular alliance.

He could kill me if he wanted to..

He straightened as the angel skipped through the battlefield.

Why doesn't he even try?

"Hey, prince of darkness." He chuckled, kneeling to watch Daniel do boring toddler stuff.

"Hello, sunshine." He replied gruffly. He glanced at him, doing a subtle double take.

"Solis, you have a..uh.." he motioned to his hair, "piece of...demon.."

The angel blushed, running his fingers through his dark hair trying to find the flesh.

" the left.." Dagas groaned as he finally reached over to pick it out himself. He stared as his fingers came away bloody.

"Oh.. That demon was in love..." Solis grabbed his hand to examine it, "Now I feel bad for impaling him."

He made a pouty face as he flicked the piece to the side like it was nothing more than paper.

Roses are red, cacti are thorny..

The angel gave an innocent smile before working his magic over the portal.

Mark me down as scared and-

Now is really not the time, Dagas.

"They asked about you, you know." He suddenly looked up, eyes searching.

"Ignis and Samudhr?" Fire and water, the trio were one of the most strategic ones in Solace.

"Yeah, Sam was all ' Who's that hottie near your portal?' and I was like 'That's Dagas' and then she was like 'Is he single?' And I was like-"

Dagas briefly pressed his fingertips to Solis's lips, "Is there a point to this story?"

"Uh-huh," he nodded, looking away, "Are you single?"

Dagas felt his ears grow hot while his hands went cold. He stared at the angel who was resting his chin on his hand.

"I'm asking for a friend."

"Hell isn't exactly crawling with.. lovers. Perverts, yes, but not.."

A breathy laugh escaped the angel who tore his gaze away from Daniel, "Figured.. You're always down here anyway."

Dagas was suddenly very interested in the portal before him, the movement making his bangs fall over one eye.

"I told her it was risky. What if she fell in love with you? That would get real messy." Solis inhaled through clenched teeth, illustrating how bad that idea was.

Dagas snorted, "Like it would ever come to that."

He froze as warm fingers grazed his cheek, sweeping the hair away from his eye.

"Who knows?" His touch lingered on his neck for a while longer, "Maybe if things were different."

"You mean if I wasn't a demon." Dagas jerked away from his touch, refusing to meet his eyes.

"Don't be dumb! I meant the mortality clause." Solis whined as he pulled Dagas in for a one-armed hug. "Any girl would be lucky to have you."

In a state of shock, he temporarily blinded everyone else in the vicinity. "I'm sure they'd rather have you." He muttered almost inaudibly before gently squeezing the back of his neck.

Solis laughed as he pulled away. "Maybe," his wink out of place with the demon blood staining his hair. "I'd rather be with you two for now."

He turned to play with the portal, making sure Daniel was happy.

Dagas didn't bother to intervene as the angel cooed and spoiled the kid.

He sat back and watched.

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