Chapter 19: Farewell

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There are moments in life when time slows down and you see every single detail vividly.

Sam was screaming as she obliterated the last hell hound. I saw her create a portal in the water, glowing green and boiling.

But I couldn't register anything. I could only think of my friend lying deathly still on the ground, except for his chest which was moving weakly up and down, the life ebbing out of him.

I knelt down next to him and cradled his head with one hand, trying to stop the blood with the other.

I wanted to cry. I wanted to turn away and hide from all of this. But I couldn't. Not when Dagas needed me.

I choked back sobs, "I'm sorry. I should've seen it coming. I should've warned.."

Dagas gripped my arm, "Hey..this isn't your fault..Daniel....I.." He faltered as a single tear formed on the corner of his eyes and slid down into my hand.

"Thank you.." he continued. "For showing me what it's like to be human again."

I couldn't take it anymore. I hugged him one last time, listening to his failing heartbeat between fits of tears.

"Daniel," Sam put her hand on my shoulder. She was barely keeping it together. "I can still save him. But we have to leave now."

I nodded. "Go..hurry!"

"Dan, you know you'll.."

"Forget everything, I know. Just please.. save him."

Sam's lips were pressed tightly as she pulled Dagas close, jumping into the water. The last thing I saw was the water shining and a flash of white light.

Then I blacked out.

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