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My mind registers nothing

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My mind registers nothing . My brain is frantic and I'm suddenly breathing heavy. Trudging into his apartment my fingers automatically dial his number and I press my phone to my ear.

"User is currently out of range. Please try again later."

I redial but, "User is currently out of range. Please try again later." A tri-tone beep and the monotone voice ends, leaving me hanging.

"Jungkook!" I yell his name repeatedly as loud as I can, opening every door and turning every corner.
Nothing, nothing left. Not his bed, not even his gaming posters on the wall.

My brain immediately turns to Yoongi and Jimin. Yoongi seems to have left too.
Trying their numbers, I receive the same signal. They seemed to have disappeared into thin air.

I reach the centre of the apartment again, pain pulsing in my temples. Tears roll down my eyes and I break down. I break down and I'm on my knees and I'm cursing the tiles.

I want rip every brick, shred every fabric and pound the cement holding the place together. But I'm weak, I'm weak and I sob. Sob until I don't think I have no tears left to cry anymore, I call his name until I hear my voice hoarse.


My mind ventures slowly into the possibilities as I collect myself and lean against the cold walls. The faint lavender scent that always hung in his apartment the only thing still there, I remember how he said it reminded him of back home. Tears well in my eyes again as it now reminds me of him.

There's no way he'd just pick up and leave. Not within hours, not like this. Right? Why would he?

Something. Something must've happened to him and I'm scared. Suddenly scared for his life. And Yoongi's and Jimin's. I seemed to have lost contact with everything and everyone related to him.

I need to find him. I have to. But how?
I don't even know where to start looking, I'm blindfolded and left in the dark. I see no light.

I pick myself up and heave myself out the door. Shutting it hard behind me.
I need to get out, I feel claustrophobic. How ironic the place being huge.

The long sleeves of my shirt drenched in tears, I swipe them across my eyes yet again and they collect more moisture. I'm out in the driveway and I need some air. I need to find him. 

My phone buzzes. A beat of hope races in my heart, I frantically fish it out but I realise what it is.

The WiFi disconnection alert, which sounds every time I reach the driveway since the signal is now out of range because I'm too far.

I look down on my phone, my fingers slide down to the side to power off but,
But I notice something.

WiFi Network Alert 📴

Disconnected from: I DID NOT LEAVE. THEY MADE ME 📶

Try to reconnect?


That had to be him.
My mind doesn't process it and my heart is beating wildly. 

Who? Who made him leave?

I look around, the first thing that comes to my mind.

Then I see it. Those striking triangular shoe-prints on the pathway.
Something shiny and long that lay in the turf nearby. I bend over and pick it up, a gasp almost immediately leaving my mouth.

Turning back immediately I scan the driveway. Clues, I need more clues to be sure.

Tire tracks, tire tracks on the driveway and I know it isn't only Kook's car that drove out because I see not 1 but 3.
2 more cars have been in here and it all clicks in my head.

The tracks, the triangle patterns on the mud and the imprint on the object in my hand.
It's a pen, a lustrous silver one and imprinted bright and bold on it the letters: YLL


Your comments under the last chapter made my fucking day, thank you but pls don't hate me .

did I just turn this into an amateur mystery? I'm so sorry but I'm hoping the chapter didn't disappoint because I know for a fact you were waiting for it.

If you guys didn't understand any part of the chapter feel free to leave an in-line comment❤️:

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