Double Date

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We pulled up in front of the Carnival. I got out of the car and opened the door for Allison. She looks even more gorgeous then usual. I kissed her.

"What was that for?" she asked.

"Ive just missed youu."

"Ive missed you too babby " she kissed me again.

Im in love with her completely, and utterly in love with her.

We walked throught the entrance holding hands. I saw Lydia and Stiles. Lydia was pinned to a wall, Stiles had one hand on her waist and the other on the wall, they were making outt. Greatt.

I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my God get a room!!"

Allison started laughing.

They looked up both laughing. Lydia was as red as a tomato.


''Oh my God get a room !!"

I laughed.

The one thing I was dying to say was 'We already have'

But I didnt because i dont know. Lydia wouldve flipped even though she would probably tell Allison and Id tell Scott.


It was around 10:00 at night when we decided to leave. We went on the ferris wheel, and some rollercoasters. I won Lydia a teddy bear which was a bit cliche but I had to do it. But the thing that shocked me was that I actually won the game. Allison yelled at Scott for not getting her a teddy bear but he got her a fish that died in the parking lot when he dropped it.


I dropped Allisons fish in the parking lot. She yelled at me in the car about how i killed a living thing but in the end we were just dying of laughter. I love her so much. I took her hand.

"I love you Allison and I know I tell you it all the time but Im hoplessly in love with you."

"Scott Mccall I love you too." she said kissing my cheek 



"I ordered the pizza." I said.

"I got the pillows and blankets." Lydia answered.

"Scott got the movies and I got the drinks" Allison replied.

"Okay then were good to go."

"Wait, what movie?" I aksed

"21 Jumpstreet and House at the end of the street " Scott said.

Yess 21 jumpstreet was one of my favorite movies.

I sat down next to Lydia on the couch. I put my arm around her and she wrapped her legs around mine and layed her head on my chest. She took my other hand locking it with hers. Allison and Scott sat next to us. Allison cuddled up to his side with her head resting on his shoulder. I couldnt be any happier. Everything feels perfect.

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