Chapter Two

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Katie starts waking away from her gym locker. Voice "Katie!" Katie turns around "Allura! I haven't seen you in like a month!"'even though we had a sleepover 2 weekends ago'. Allura "where you off to?" She smiles. Katie "I'm going to my locker 223" she looks down at her schedule. Allura "I'll walk with you, if that's ok" Katie "Sure!" They walk out to of the girl's locker room. Allura "223 is just down the hall and up the stairway." Katie "Thanks! I should know my way around but sadly I don't" they are walking down the hall looking at their schedules finding their classrooms.

-Bell Rings to Get to First Hour-

Allura "Bye Katie!" Katie "Bye Allura!" They walk their separate ways. The warning bell rings meaning you are tardy to class. Katie "REALLY?! OMG IM SO LOST!! IM FREAKING 15 AND A SOPHOMORE!!" She collapses onto a wall with her head on her knees.

"I can help." A kind calm voice chimes. Katie "how can anybody help this mess...I'm just a screw up!" "Come on let me help you." The voice says lending a hand, Katie looks up to see Shiro "HECK NO! NOT YOU!! ID RATHER BE LOST!!" She gets up grabbing her backpack "I'll find my own way!" 'It just had to be him grrr!' She thought

Shiro "why do you hate me?" He says with a stern voice. Katie "Why do I hate you? Oh hunny bunny let me tell you something! Your just a Gary Stu! Great at everything, you and your little friends just come and have to make our lives horrid!! Not being able what you want to do unless your bold, brave and reckless! Or if your friend just happens to be the most popular most beautiful girl in school!" Katie yells with tears in her eyes. "I'm done and it's only the first day back!"

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