Rebel Sympathisers

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Max's POV

Three days after the events of Dronto, life had become very much normal aboard the Enterprise. We fell back to our daily routine of contacting other Rebels, sympathisers to our cause, acquiring weapons, supplies and personnel. We had eyes and ears in most of the Quadrants. Things have changed. The U.S.S Enterprise, the pride of the Federation, is no longer a exploratory ship, it is now part of the Rebel military. One would be amazed at its newest weapons- long-range photon torpedoes in the nacelles, plasma cannons and laser artillery weapons on the hull, phasers and bombers above the bridge. It is a sight to behold.

"Dammit" was the first word that escaped my mouth as I woke up and looked at the bedside clock. Quickly I donned my Nova Corps uniform and hurried up to the bridge. I paced down the hallway and rounded a corner as I crashed into someone. Grunts escaped both of us as we tumbled on the floor. I stood up to face a really angry Scottish man.

"Damn, laddie, watch where ya're going, will ya? Of what use are those goddamn eyes if ye can't even use them?"

Ladies and gentlemen, that's Montmogery Scott for you, the Enterprise's chief engineer. He's a really amiable man, but just don't get on his bad side.

I mumbled an apology and shot towards the turbolift, in no mood for a lecture. I pressed the "up" button and waited till it brought me to the bridge.

"What was so goddamn important that you had to waste my sleep?" I asked irritably as I entered the bridge. It was busy, with the ship's most qualified and trusted people working in sync. The navigators were silently taking us to the large planet looming in front of us, while others were maintaining the cloaking device that would render the ship unnoticed.

Kirk rolled his eyes." As much as I enjoy disrupting your beauty sleep, Max, I've called you here for something else entirely."

Beside me, Tania stifled a snicker. I gave her my meanest glare." What's up?"

Kirk turned and pressed a few buttons in his seat." We have entered the upper atmosphere of Arakia. It's a...Thanos-conquered planet. We received a distress signal calling for help from a small Rebel group here. Apparently, they blew up a few Chitauri barracks and arms factories. We are here to assist them and evacuate, if necessary. Max, you'll personally lead a landing party to the surface, access the situation and act accordingly. Let's hope we aren't too late."

Spock turned to Kirk." Captain, I would like to accompany Mr. Hunter in his mission to the surface."

I looked at him, incredulously." You, happy?"

Spock looked at me with his usual emotionless gaze." I was simply attempting to use your vernacular to express my idea."

Kirk gave us a communicator each."Meet Scotty at the warp core. He'll give you your disguises. Your team is waiting. Under no circumstances is there any connection to the Federation or the Nova Corps. Good luck."

The both of us took the turbolift down to the warp core where we found our team already assembled. Scotty happily gave out our disguises which we donned quickly. Stepping on the platform and checking our weapons, we instructed the technicians to warp us to the surface.

Our surroundings changed instantly, and we found ourselves in a big marketplace. It was teeming with populace, but the apparent tension in the people was clear. They hustled into their homes, shopkeepers hurriedly closed their wares and  downed the shutters. People pushed each other in order to get to safety first.

" Why are they all hurrying like this?" I asked as I looked around.

" The answer to your question, Mr. Hunter, lies in that direction." Spock pointed out calmly to me. I turned my head and saw a small army of Chitauri, weapons raised, headed our way. Cursing,we sped off in the opposite direction.

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