We Fight Back!

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Soundtrack: Play "So Say We All" by Audiomachine while reading this chapter.

Steve's POV

The attack from outside was unexpected, and to be honest, I was worried that I would have to fight them as well. Don't get me wrong, i already have enough blood on my hands, but the human part of me doesn't condone killing my own species. However I saw Max explaining things to the newcomer who helped him up, gesturing at me. The newcomer's eyes widened on seeing me fight the Chitauri, but to his credit, he gave a brief nod, whipped out two swords, and joined the fight.

I smiled. Glad to have another swordsman in the midst. Whipping my blade across the throat of a guard, I ducked and rolled, coming up behind another and stabbing him in the back. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jim Kirk - wait what is he doing here? - run up to a fallen Rebel on the ground. The wounded person turned his head, and I was surprised to see it was Spock. I thought they died during the Battle of Earth.

I shook my head. Max does know how to make interesting friends.

"Can you stand?" Jim asked urgently. Spock groaned in pain.

Doesn't Jim know first aid? I grumbled as I tore off a piece of cloth from another fallen Rebel. "His wound's seeping, apply pressure and bind this around the area tightly."

Jim jumped back as if he had seen a ghost, clutching his blaster shakily. "What the- Steve???"

I sighed, forgetting that he didn't know about my other identity. "Yeah, now ar you just going to stand and watch, or are you going to help?" I asked while binding the wound tightly.

His face was ashen."My God, YOU are Nemesis??!" 

Finished bandaging, I stood up and grasped my sword."Can we talk about that later? We are in the middle of a fight after all." He nodded shakily.

I stabbed a guard sneaking behind me, joining the fray. As I was cutting down the Chitauri in front of me, I briefly heard Jim shout for a medic.

Duck. Roll. Slash. Repeat.

The same routine was repeated, but giving minimal result. Endless hordes of Chitauri seemed streaming in through the doorway and even with my enhanced skills I was finding it difficult to keep up.

I ducked as a blaster shot ricocheted off a wall and grazed my ear. Turning, I saw a whole squadron of the Titan's guards bearing on us, all guns blazing. I could see Rebels falling on the ground by the minute. This was getting out of hand.

I grunted. Dammit.


Narrator's POV

Lieutenant Tara Larkin grunted while dodging a shot. She and her team were getting cornered by the Chitauri squadron which had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. They killed her superior with their first shot, and Tara was having difficulty preventing the same to happen to the rest of them.

"I'm out!" she shouted while ducking into a corner, discarding her empty weapon. "Anyone, any ideas?"

Foot Soldier Simpson tossed her a thermal grenade. Pulling the pin, Tara tossed it in the corridor and ducked. A flash of light and cries of horror told her she hadn't missed.

"Most of us are empty!" Someone cried out. "Just a few handguns left!"

"Get moving!" Tara cried out. "Or we will be sitting ducks!"

Running down the blazing corridor, the Rebel team found themselves facing a glass door. The outside was a mess. The Chitauri barracks were under attack by the humans, but they had lost the element of surprise. Slowly and steadily they were being pushed back. They stood horrified on seeing the human army dwindling by the minute. A large tank exploded in a flash of heat and light, killing the Rebels inside.

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