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  • Dedicated to To my children CHI, SOPHIA

                         Well I do know I am NOT a professional and that it wont be top notch but it will be up there close, Please vote and comment  to let me know what you thing. I want my readers to be a big part of my books. Thank You for taking the time to read this book.

This book and its characters and story line are copyrighted to me Tiffaney Jones in September 2014. Any use other than to read it here on wattpad. You do not have permission to use it or its Charters  with out my hand written permission.



Kira's POV.


    I have lived all my life with my grandparent. They loved me to no end. We weren't  billionaires but we were well off because of hard work they did their whole lives. We had a 3 bedroom house, a nice car. Plenty of money in the bank. And my grandfather had his small pipe laying company.

My grandparent got me when I was 3 weeks old. My mom decided that her "new" man was more important than me. She even wrote a letter to my grandparents about why she couldn't raise me. It wasn't much just a short and to the point letter.


    Dear mom & dad

                                 I know you will take Kira and raise her well . Mark just cant bring himself to raise someone else child. Besides I cant be a parent. I 'm not ready to give up my carefree life for her. I already had to do it  for nine months and it was the worst thing I have ever had to do. Maybe when I am older I will try and talk Mark into letting her come and stay with us if she has to. But I need my freedom right now and I wont give up Mark for the mistake of  having her like you wanted , instead of having the abortion I wanted to begin with.  I knew you all would understand .Love ya.

                                                                            Your Daughter Brenda

     My grandparent didn't mind because they were the ones that had me day's at a time anyway while my mom went off partying with Mark. Shoot the day she brought me home from the hospital, she said she had to run to the store and didn't come back to get me till 3am the next morning. 


My mom met Mark when she was 6 months pregnant with me. He seemed to love her but he couldn't get past the fact that her unborn child wasn't his and it would make his friend think bad of him. But she was to far along to abort me. So an easy option for them was give me to my Grandparents.


 My grandparents were great. I never needed for things.  They always made sure that if there was something I wanted I would have it  as long as it was with in reason of course.  They made sure I knew how to manage money and things and we always tried to help different charities. My favorite was one in Alaska that protected wolves. They sent me a poster of a white wolf with brown eyes that was laying in the snow near some trees. It was my favorite, The second was from a save the Panda's fund. They sent me a key chain that had save the Pandas wrote on a small panda.

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