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  Larry's POV

  I gave Kira the papers declaring her a legal adult. In the back of my mind I know that's what I should have done in the beginning. Her grandparents have been making sure that if anything happened to them she would have enough knowledge and competence to take care of herself. I know Kira had more smarts than  a lot of people I know.

She looks so happy with Hayden. I am glade that she found her mate I just hope him and his pack can keep her safe.  

"Hayden can I have a word with you for a moment on the balcony please." I gave a nod to Kira and walked onto the balcony Hayden right behind me closing the door.

"Hayden I understand that you are to be Alpha soon. I was a Beta when I was in a pack. My wife was also a white wolf. She was taken torched and killed,  as they thought she had powers. She didn't but none the less people in my own pack helped the ones taking her. Even the people I trusted with my own life. But they said they did what they did so that the rest of the pack wouldn't be harmed by the larger stronger pack. After I found her dead, I took my daughter and myself and left. Not to long ago my daughter died as well. Her and Kira were the same age. Mater of fact she was good friends with Kira. I am all alone now. The only reason I keep going on is because I made a promise to help keep Kira safe. I promised not only her grandparents but my daughter to.

My daughter never got a chance to shift. She had cancer and it was to bad to cure or for her wolf to fight it off. When she died I had already considered Kira like another daughter. I knew I had to help protect Kira. She is all I have left keeping me living Hayden. So please take every precaution in keeping her safe. I will always be close if you need me."

I looked at Hayden and he didn't have anything to say but nodded that he understood. As we walked back in Kira looked like she was really tired as she looked like she had been swimming. So they decided to go.

'Larry, I just want you to know you are welcome to come to my pack when ever you need. Or if you ever need anything just let us know. I appreciate what you have done, And I will take more precautions. And again Thank you." With that and a smile and hug from Kira they left.

       KIRA's POV

      By the time we got back to the warehouse, I was extremely tired. Hayden left me in the "apartment" because he had to go talk to his dad and some of his other pack members. I decided to take the time to go ahead and get done the remaining homework I had. After finishing up I decided to take a long hot bath.

I walked into my room and picked out my favorite pair of jammas. They are silk pants with a silk tank. Midnight black with sliver diamonds on them.  I loved sleeping in just them. How they felt against my skin. 

I walked into the bathroom placing the pj's on the counter and starting the bath. Pouring in some bath salt that smell like cucumber melon. I jump into the shower and quickly wash the salt off me and then washed my hair. Then I jump out just in time to turn off the water in the tub. I slide in and it already feels so good.

I must have fallen asleep. I woke from a bad nightmare where Metri and my step father had taken me and had me locked somewhere where. I was chained to the wall but had a long chain and there were no window. The room had a queen size bed and dresser, a joined was a bathroom that lead to a closet. In the dream Metri told some men and my step father that we were not to be disturbed. Then he sat on the bed pulling my chain  to him.

I suddenly jolted awake in the tub. Scared beyond belief. I got up out of the now cold water in the tub. Pulling the plug. I sighed deeply.

"Kira, What you had was a vision. Of the future. This is or is one of the powers you have. I'm not sure if its something you can change or if its inevitable. As I don't exactly know what kind of vision it is."

"Wait Ema your coming to me when I'm awake?" I look around thinking I'm going to see her.

"Yes, Oh and I am a voice because I am in you. So you wont see me unless your asleep, but I am getting stronger and can come to you while your awake now. I want you to be careful Kira. You haven't shifted yet and If you shift under stress it could happen in front of people  that don't know of our kind or people who will want to take you. So try not to be to stressed. Soon I should be able to speck with Hayden's wolf."

"Ema I don't want Hayden knowing about the vision just yet so if you do get to talk with his wolf please don't say anything."

"OK but he should know so that he can keep you safe. I am getting a little weak . I must go for now But I will be here just open your mind to me when you need me.. Goodbye Kira." 

With that she was gone.  I had to think about what she said. Things are moving fast. What happens if this dream does come true. What will I do? I have to be careful. I don't know what I would do if I had to be with Metri.

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