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 I have been going to school for 4 days with no problems. Only a few "I could kill you" looks from Metri and a smile here and there from my brother when no one else was looking.  Hayden Is sleeping in one of the other rooms and we are going to date  and be in a relationship BUT not get really serious yet. Today I am going to look at a few cars as I want my own car. Hayden wants to buy it and bla bla but I already have a check for 8 thousand to get a used car . I don't need a really new car just a nice used one will work fine for me. Larry had to go back to Tampa but says he will visit often. 

After school  we drove around looking at a few car lots until I found what I wanted it was so great. I settled on a Nissan Pathfinder so that I could carry my surf board Hayden got me.  It was actually only $7500.00 after taxes and things and the insurance deposit. So they took the check gave me my temp plate till the new one came in and I took the car and got it detailed and got seat covers and other stuff for it. I told Hayden I would meet him back at the house later and I would grab some dinner for use on my way back. He wasn't very happy but I need some me time.

 I found a few stores and got a few things. I called my mom and told her I would meet her at a near by cafe tomorrow after school as long as she was alone. She said she would come alone and that she was sorry and really did  miss me.

I stopped at a really cool surf shop and picked up a new body suit thing, some waters shoes, a necklace smaller to Hayden's. and I got use matching bracelets. I left the shop when it was getting dark. I stopped at a place that sold BBQ. Getting Hayden and I some food and a gallon of there really good tea. I headed home and noticed there were lots of cars there. 

I went in as quite as could be. getting to my apartment quietly. Hayden's car was here so I figured that he was probable some where in the warehouse. I set the food on the counter and put my bags in my room on my bed.

I really like this place but it doesn't have windows and I don't know I just think I want a regular place. I mean don't get me wrong I like living with Hayden but for some reason it just doesn't feel like home.

I put the food on plates and left them on the counter until I finished putting away the other stuff. I took the two bracelet's and placed them on the coffee table. I was making a glass of soda when Hayden came in.

"Hey sweetheart. I um.... I have something to tell you. We have been watching your moms place since we took you from there because we were uhh well suspicious of a few things and we got conformation today that your step father is part of a rough pack. And is a wolf"

"My step dad a wolf? Seriously ? I thought that rogues were by them self? That they aren't in packs." I looked at Hayden with a puzzled look.

" Well that's just it, we have never seen rogues do this before.  But they are , And they are and have been in our territory even this very town for quite some time. We new that something was here but they didn't smell like rogues, so we didn't know they were here living. But your step dad we think is a wolf as well as metri and his friends. "

"Look Hayden I don't want to talk about this anymore. " I went in to the kitchen and got our plates placing them into the microwave. When the beep sounded I took out the hot plates sitting them on the small kitchen table. 

Hayden sighed and sat down in one of the chairs. We ate in silence. After dinner I cleaned up everything and excused myself going to take a bath an go to bed. Not really wanting to watch what Hayden was going to do.

I listened to some music while taking a bath. I couldn't believe that  my step dad, my mother husband of all people was a wolf  too. Everything Hayden had said was running threw my mind. Along with the dream I had had. Was it all connected. I tried to block it all out but to no avail. I took a deep breath and took in the hot aroma of the lavender bubble bath that I had decided to use.

About 30 minutes later my mind was finally clearing  and I was getting out with a more calm attitude . I put on my soft pj's and thought about going to talk to Hayden but decided it was better if we took this night to cool off, so I  got into my warm cozy bed. After a little while of tossing trying to get into a comfortable position I went to the chair in the corner and picked up a shirt of Hayden's and went back to the bed and  snuggling up to it taking in his scent within minutes I was out.

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