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              Kira's POV

              I woke up and finally dragged myself out of bed at 6:35am. I grabbed My clothes and towel. Went into the bathroom and took a shower and changed. Just as I finished putting on my clothes. My phone rings.

"Hello, I am here to picking up the Honda Accord for the rental company. I am right outside." I tell the man OK and slid on my flip flops. Heading to the front door going out and handing the man the keys. Then he has me sign a few papers. 

I turn and walk in the house as the man leaves. As I go threw the kitchen my mom is standing there making some instant coffee.(ewww like really)  I grab my things from the bathroom and place them where they should be in my room. I walk back out to see if there was any fruit I could grab to eat and as I was going past the door to my room I was knocked almost down by a hand slapping me across the face. I hear my mom gasp as I look up.

" Why aren't my clothes folded and in the basket put on the table."

" I put them in the washer last night and fell asleep before I was able to get them out. And Just because I wash them don't mean I'm going to be your maid  and fold them to your liking. "I pushed past him going into the bathroom closing and locking the door behind me.

"Mark yo... you didn't tell her to fold them and things. I will fold them when there done drying. It was her first day here. I....I will talk to her." I hear my mom say in a very scared shaky voice.

"Well you best tell her the rules around here, next time it wont be just a slap." I hear him walk out of the room back to his and slam the door.

I look up into the mirror and see the light bruising on my cheek. I sigh and Do my hair so that it falls over that cheek. I walk out of the bathroom and pass my mom to whats supposed to be my room. I place my thin laptop in my bag along with the charger along with my school stuff. I place my phone and wallet in the front pocket of it as I am not into caring purses to much.

My mom comes around my make shift divider after she put more clothes in the washer and Marks into the dryer. 

"I...I'M sorry you got hit, you need to make sure you don't leave clothes in the washer and dryer  at night. Just do them fold them put them in the basket and sit them on the table. He wont hit you if you do as your told."

"Are you joking right now. I get do the laundry, I don't mind but I wont fold his stuff cause he don't want to I'M NOT HIS MAID, WIFE OR B!TCH."

" He pays for everything for you."

"NO he doesn't, look I will pay for my OWN stuff while I'm here food included. I don't want anything from you all. And I'm living on a porch. But I will do the laundry and sweep or whatever as in anything like spending time or whatever forget it. mom..I mean Grandma told me to give you all a chance I did and he just ruined it. As far as I'm concerned I'm just waiting to be 18."

I turned off my light and made sure I had important stuff with me. As I got out of the house I took a deep breath and started walking to the bus stop right down the road.

When I got there, Kim's daughters were already there waiting for the bus.

Hey wheres your car why you ain't driv ta school?" Shay says As she gives me the once over.

" It was just a rental." I tell her as I look down the road to see if my brother was coming.

"Oh.... Well why you don't ride with you brotha ( I look at her a little funny so she sighs and says) Mike don't ride the bus. Mark nephew picks him up an takes him evry day."

"Well I'll just ride the bus no biggie." I says as I turn to look at the bus as it approaches.

The ride to school wasn't very long. We sat behind another bus for a little while. I see my brother getting out of a black car not to far from the bus. He just stands there with his friends chit chatting. Finally the bus pulls up to where we  get off. I walk off the bus and towards the office. So I can pick up my schedule. 

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