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           Kira's POV

               I slept so sound. I woke to a dark room and my body acing only  slightly. I could remember being beaten and seeing the wolf  E...Ema?  Then seeing Hayden. But where am I? I know this isn't my room the bed is way to big and it feels like I'm on a cloud....

     I search around the  bed till I find a night table with a lamp. I switch on the light and take a slow  look around the room. The walls are a gray color. There are large photos on the walls. Elegant black furniture and marble flooring. The bed has white fluffy bedding. There a desk and chair where my cell and laptop are laying. A small sitting bench at the end of the bed. A flat screen on the wall at the end of the bed above a long dresser. To my right there is a closet next to that is an open door to what looks like a bathroom but with the dim light  I cant see much in there. To my left I see another door  but in the corner there is a chair with a small side table. Sitting in that chair is Hayden. Sleeping .

  I must be in his room at his house. I get up not wanting to wake him. I walk into the bathroom and close the door softly before turning on the light. When I do the bathroom is so nice. The sink is like a glass bowl. There is a large mirror above it that I glance in and am applauded at my own appearance.

    There is a walk in shower that has the shower heads above and on the sides. There is also a good size garden tub. Everything is so pretty. I don't want to dirty anything or get my fingerprints on all there things.

     I use the bathroom and wash my hands then wipe off any smudge marks I got on anything. I took another look at what I was wearing . It was a cotton gown that had long sleeves and came just a little pass my knee's. I walk out of the room trying to be quiet but as I open the door I am bombarded by a frantic Hayden.

     "Are you OK. Do you hurt anywhere, Want me to get the doctor....." I stop him mid sentence. 

   "I'm OK Hayden. I just have a little headache, that's it. But where are we?" Before Hayden says anything, he placed his arms around me hugging me a little too tightly.  He placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

     "Your lawyer is here with my parents. They are in the living room, I think we should go talk with them. I'm sure everything will be explained, OK?" Hayden took my hand and lead me out into a big living room that was very modern looking.

   Sitting on a love seat was a man and woman holding hands. On a couch there was Larry and Patrick. On the floor playing a video game was Devon.

    Everyone stopped what they were doing when we walked in. Getting up even. Like...Like I was some kind of very important person. Larry ran over and embraced me with a hug like he hadn't seen me in years. Hayden Growled like really...he growled like an animal. 

    "Kira... Please sit down. First Kira this is Hayden's mother and father. Can you tell us what happened?" I looked around and see Hayden's mother nod at me and for some reason I felt much more comfortable.

   "Well when Hayden dropped me off  I went in and cleaned the house. I remember getting into an argument with my step dad about what happened at school and that I embarrassed him some how . I remember him hitting me and I fell to the ground and I seen Metri come in and him hitting me to then minutes later I blacked out until I seen Ema. Then I member seeing Hayden then waking up here." I look around and see Larry, Hayden Patrick and Devon ready to pounce on somebody.

   "Kira you told me Ema would protect you. Who is Ema Kira? " Hayden says as he places his hand on my knee.

   "Well if you all promise not to think I'm Crazy." I look around and everyone just had a puzzled look on there face. But all nodded.

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