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Hayden's POV

                             I walked into the closet and fell to my knees. All I wanted to do was gather my men and kill everyone in that place. I was being torn between staying with my mate or the urge to kill anyone and every one that caused her pain. I could hear her weeping from where I sat on the closet floor. A tear rolled down my cheek as I know she must be going over what happened in her head. 

What she did was so brave. I am so happy she is my mate. Her wolf is the most beautiful I have ever seen and one of the biggest females almost matching my own size. She will be a great Luna for our pack as well as a great mate and mother to our children. She means so much to me. I know I will need to keep her safe at any cost. Even above all others. 

The more I sit here with my head in my hands, the more I know Kira means everything to me. I will take revenge for what has happened to her. I can tell by how well she handled the situation that she is very capable of protecting herself  with a little training. However I want her safe and the only way to do that will be to kill everyone from that so called pack. 

When I take over my Alpha place I will change a lot of things, I also know that I don't want to keep Kira in the dark about anything . She will be at all meeting and anything else she wishes to be at. I know she will be more than just my Mate and our Luna. She will be a fierce warrior. I hope that she gets to find out more about her family history. I am sure her wolf will help her. I want to lead my pack beside her not in front of here. she is my rock and I know she thinks more into things than my self and for this she will be a great Luna.

I stood up getting some clothes for me as well as some for Kira. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the bath adding a few bath oils my mother brought up and had placed outside our door. The water was a little more than warm and a little over half full. I placed a towel on the counter and went back into the closet getting a sheet and a few other things to divide up the bathroom from where the large garden style bath tub is and the separate shower.

I wanted to stay close to my love but wanted to give her privacy until she was ready. After separating the the areas in the bathroom with the sheet, I walked into the room. I moved some hair away from Kira's face then pick her up. She had stopped crying and just laid her head on my shoulder.

I walked her into the bathroom and to the edge of the tub. I placed her on the edge of the tub and got a hair tie from the basket of things my mother had brought up. I placed her hair into a messy bun like style. I looked into her eyes as I pulled off the rob and shirt she had on. Never once looking at anything but her eyes. I picked her up as our eyes stayed locked and placed her into the warm water of her bath. she slid in and gave me a small smile but it was enough for me to know she was going to be ok.

I dimmed the bathroom lights slightly and slid the sheet to hide my beautiful mate to give her some privacy. My mom came over our link letting me know she had returned with some food and that she was outside our door. I walked over to the door and took the tray from her and kissed her on the cheek. She gave me a smile and a node. I placed the tray on the large desk in the room.

I walked back to the bathroom and decided to take a quick shower before I set up the food for Kira and I. I turned on the shower then I took my cloths off throwing them to the floor near the sink.  I opened the shower door then Stepped into the semi warm water letting the water run over my head and down my back trying to relax. I stood there for some time with my eyes closed as the water ran over my face and body. 

I took a deep breath before I heard the shower door opening. I looked over to Kira standing in the doorway of the shower, beads of water and soap suds all over her body. She stepped into the shower as she locked eyes with me and closed the door behind her. As she stepped in front of me under the running water I couldn't help but to look at how gorgeous she is. My beautiful mate standing there in front of me in all her beauty. She placed her hand on my chest and leaned in and kissed me with such passion. I returned the kiss deepening it as I placed my arms around her wet naked body. as we stood there holding each other kissing the water started to run cold. I picked up my precious mate and carried her wet body to the bed slowly placing her on it. As I hovered over her , both our bodies dripping wet . I looked deep into her eyes.

I leaned down placing kisses all over her checks and down her neck. I could feel the intense electricity between our bodies getting stronger by the second. I moved up to look in her eyes.

"Kira are you sure you want to do this? We can wait we don't have to do this now." I wanted so much to make love to my mate but I wanted her to be the one to decide when she was ready.

She pulled me to her and kissed my cheek and then ear lobe." I don't want to wait any longer. You are the only man I will ever love. I want to be fully mated now and for ever my love."As she said each and every word my wolf was  doing back flip. I looked down at the site of my mate who wanted to be mine forever.

We pleasured each other for what seemed like hours then making love for the first time. AS we lay in each others arms now fully mated and so in love I never want anything to change. We have forever to make memories with each other and love one another. She is the only woman that will ever have me mind body soul and my heart.

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