Chapter five: Remebering the past

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Soon we made to the back room and I saw a desk with a photo laid out on it. My father picked up the picture and showed it to Yama. "Why this stupid picture?!" Yelled Yama while giving me the picture. In the picture Yama was putting a cherry blossom crown on my head and Blushing as I smiled. "Aww this is so cute, we were so young!" I said with a smile. This I could slightly remember. Yama rolled his eyes sighed.

"Yes this picture does bring back some memories, but that necklace holds more." Stated my father. How could a necklace such as this contain memories, it looked so ordinary and plain. In fact I'm still surprised I had the key to the underworld around my neck. I took off the necklace and handed to my father. My look was stern and serious. "I want to remember my past, I want to remember my life." I said proudly. My father simply nodded his head and put the necklace on the ground.

He began a chant, it sounded like a spell you would hear from a witch. "Unlock the boundary between the forgotten and the unforgettable. Restore what has been lost, and bring rest to the forgotten past." Chanted my father. I was so confused on what was happening, so I just looked dumbfounded at my father who had finished his chant. Just as I was about to ask what was going on all the color left the emerald leaving it grey. The green stream of color from the emerald surrounded my body. I blacked out.

- Flashback Amelia's memories-

As I opened my eyes I could she two kids. One had light orange wavy hair with tannish skin. She was wearing a light blue sweater with a pair if black skinny jeans. Then their was a red headed girl her he was in two pony tails that spiraled down her back. She was wearing a black sweater that said YOLO in giant white letters, she also wore black skinny jeans but with holes. Her skin was paler then the other girls. They were sitting in a garden and talking. You could tell that they were both around 9 years of age.

"Amelia I promise your father will be back soon!" Yelled the red headed girl. "Yeah but I'm not so worried about father anymore Rina, just the kid with him." I stated. "Oh you mean Yama, he's a tough guy don't sweat it!" Yelled Rina. As the we chatted a voice cast from behind them. "Hey, you gals were waiting in the garden the whole time for us?" Spoke the male voice. Rina and I turned around to see a tallish man who was tan with dark brown hair. "Dad!" I yelled as she ran into his arms. "Good day Mr.Ohiki. Was your mission a success?" Questioned Rina as she walked towards him.

"Don't ask me, ask Yama here. It was his first time going into Intense!" Yelled Mr.Ohiki as he patted Yama's back. I removed herself from her fathers arms and looked towards Yama. "It was great! Intense is an amazing camp to learn how to master certain skills!" Said Yama in an excited voice. We all laughed and the scene faded black.

"I remember that day!" I yelled to no one in particular. Then another scene came to view. This time everyone looked older and more mature. Rina, Yama, and I were 13 when this happened. I was crying and holding Yama's arm. "Why are you leaving?!" I yelled! Yama was looking the opposite direction and Rina was crying. "I have to go back into Intense, plus I can't protect you anymore since they moved the camp. More tears ran down my eyes as she pulled his arm away from me.

"Promise me you'll come back!" I yelled as he began to walk. " I can't make any promises." Said Yama in an upset tone. Before he could walk again I ran up to him and kissed his cheek. "Well just know that I love you!" I yelled. Yama turned towards me and hugged me. "I love you too." Spoke Yama in a soft voice. We both heard whimpering and looked over to Rina. "Omg, this is some major Yamelia! Cried Rina as she fanned her eyes. We both laughed and turned back towards each other. Just as Yama let me go my father came walking out. "Amelia your not going to remember much about Yama or what happened to me, when the demonic blood completely spreads through your body." Stated my father in a stern tone. He gave me the emerald necklace and looked towards Rina. "You won't really remember either when Amelia turns full demon. Im sorry." Said my father in an upset tone. "You'll need this when the time comes.' Proclaimed my father as he tapped the emerald necklace.

I looked towards Yama and my father as they walked away. I had hot tears pouring from my eyes as I ran Rina's arms. She gently storked my hair. "Its ok, you'll forget this soon enough." Cooed Rina. "That's why im sad, I don't want to forget!" I yelled into Rina's arm while sobbing. After hearing myself say this I wake up. I look towards Yama and he has his arms crossed and was red in the face.

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