Chapter Sixteen: Together

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The flames started to shape into a heart form, their was red on one side and lilac on the other. We pulled our hands away and the room rumbled a bit, suddenly possessors started to suck back into the room and the tank that held them. Lumi and I bent down they all flew over us, if we stood up even an inch we would get pushed in with them. As j thought deeply I heard a scream coming from Rina's direction, I looked over and saw something black leaking out from Yama and around Rina. It grabbed onto her shoe and she took it off and crawled away.

After around five minutes all the possessors were back in the take and squirming around, as soon as they stopped pouring in I ran to check on Rina. "Rina are you ok?!" I yelled as I made it to her. "Yeah, it just took my shoe. But you should really be worrying about Yama." Stated Rina as she pointed to him, his face was extremely pale. I nodded my head at her and ran to Yama, he was breathing heavily. "Yama are you ok?" I asked as I held him and brung his body closer to mine. He moved a bit and looked up at me, he was holding his head. "Yeah, but I have a massive headache." He groaned softly. I smiled and hugged him tightly, tears started to blur my vision.

The tears ran down my cheeks and onto his arms, I was crying a lot now. "Amelia why are you crying?" He asked as he sat up and hugged me back. "I will tell you later, it's a long story." I said hugging him even more. "And so after all of the evil and dark consuming us in the deep pits of its clutches, love still manages to find the light on a road to darkness!" Said Rina in a narrating voice. "Rina, what are you doing?" Asked Lumi. Rina looked back at her, she was smiling and laughing. "Well if I ever wanna turn what just happened into a story, I would need a narrator like that!" She smiled.

"And what would this story he called Rina?" Asked Yama as me stood up. "It would be called Amelia and the beast! Starring Rina the wonderful beauty!" She said posing for a picture with a wink. "Right....." I laughed softly. "But on the serious side, I'm glad everyone's safe." Smiled Rina. The three of us nodded, I turned around to apologize to my dad but saw that he was gone. "Dad..." I said to myself.

Lumi looked at me and smiled with a sigh, she placed her hand on my shoulder. "He will be back soon enough, you know how he is." She smiled. I nodded my head in a understandable manner, she was right you know. "Well let's just get out of here, this place is giving the creeps." Said Rina as she placed her hands build her head. We nodded, thinking the same thing as we started to walk out through the portal. I held Yama's hand the whole way, I was glad to have him back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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