Chapter Thirteen: Lumi tells the truth.

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As I started to come to, I saw Rina next to me looking at the ground. "Rina what's wrong?" I said in a concerned voice. She looked at me with a upset face, it was filled with anger. "She's using us like I said." Stated Rina. I looked around and saw we were in a rectangular tank, it was above a pit of possessors. The sight of them made me shiver, if we fell in they would eat us inside out. "If we fall in......" I said as Rina finished my sentence. "Were going to die." Said Rina with clenched fist. I looked over and saw Lumi, she was smiling up at us in a creepy manner with a twitching eye.

"I can't wait till Yama gets here, then he will be finally mine and I can get rid of those pest!" She looked up at us. I couldn't really hear what she was saying but I knew she was talking about how she would be with Yama, she does it all the time. I looked over to Rina, I saw her face filled with anger and fear. "I'm sorry Rina, I got you I into this." I hung my head in shame. Rina looked over at me with a smile. "How long have we been best friends?" She asked with a smile. I thought back and counted. "Since we were for so 12 years." I stated proudly. "All those 12 years I did stupid stuff and you stuck with me, it's nothing compared to this.(This is so me and my best friend Jessica) Rina laughed. I laughed too remembering all the things we got into.

Lumi pulled out her phone and looked at the time. She looked up at us and yelled. "Its time girls!!" She screamed as she walked towards the gates. Just as she planned Yama walked in on time. "I'm here Lumi, now let them go." Groaned Yama. Lumi smiled and ran into him, giving him a firm squeeze. It made me very upset to see it, I kneeled my head and let some tears flow. Rina stroked my back but just then I burst into my yellow-red flames. "Amelia!" Yelled Rina as she moved to the farthest corner of the tank. The rope that held the tank above the possessors caught on fire, it slowly burned as it dropped the tank.

I blacked back out from using to much energy, I was going to die in the darkness. Just then I felt something push us over, the tank hit the ground and shattered. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Rina and Lumi crying, I sat up. "Rina, what's up?" I asked in a slightly cracked voice. She walked over to me and kneeled down. "He's gone." She looked down. I titled my head in sheer confusion. "Who's gone?" I asked as I looked around. Then it hit me. "Where's Yama?" I asked as I began to cry.

Rina looked away, I could tell she was upset. "He's dead?" She said softly. I shook my head in denial. "No, he's no! He can't be dead!" I yelled as I stood up. "Amelia..." Rina whispered. I burst into flames once more, but these flames where full of anger. I walked over to Lumi, when I finally made it to her I picked her up by her collar. "Why did you have to be into life!? He's dead because of you!" I yelled as my flames began to spread to Lumi.

She cried and pushed me away. "No it's your fault for being in love with the same person since you were 13!" Yelled Lumi. "How did you know that, who told you?!" I yelled. "Nobody had to little sister!" Screamed Lumi as she looked away. I looked dead at her with a blank expression. "Little sister?" I asked in confusion. She looked at me. "My name is Lumi Ohiki, 18 year old, princess of the underworld, and older sister Amelia Ohiki." She said as more tears flowed. My flames burned away. "Then why, why steal that jewel, why try to kill us, why he so in love with Yama, why.... do you hate me?" I questioned as I crossed my arms. "Because of jealously!" She screamed at me. I jumped back at the response.

"Everyone always thought that you were the best at everything, they always gave you the most attention, people always told me how great you were, and Yama always said you were so pretty and sweet. I just wanted to be of as those things too, but every time I tried, nobody paid me any attention." She was looking down. "I don't get it, then what was this plot meant to do?" Asked Rina as she spun around showing everything in view. "Well if I wasn't going to be known as Lumi Ohiki, I was going to be known as a murder and blackmailer. It would still give me the attention I craved." She hung her head in shame. I ran to her and hugged her.

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