Chapter Twelve: The plan?

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Lumi walked to an abandoned factory gate and went in. I looked at the name, it was called "Briers Friers." Lumi dropped me on the ground butt first and pulled a lever. "You wanted to know what happened to your so call "Best friend" so badly. Where here she is!" Yelled Lumi as she pointed towards the hatch.

I looked down and saw Rina asleep in the center. "I will use you when it's time." Snarled Lumi as she kicked me into the hole. I fell in and hit rough carpet. I moved over and tried to wake up Rina but she wasn't moving. I was scared that she died before I got here, until she finally squirmed. "Amelia?" She looked up at me slowly.

"Rina thank god, I thought she killed you!" I yelled as tears streamed from my eyes. "That stalker couldn't kill me even with The Jewel of Promises." She said smugly. I laughed knowing that Rina was trying to cheer me up, crazy part is... it was working. As Rina and I talked I heard Lumi pacing outside, she seemed on edge. "Is there anyway put that you know of?" I asked on a desperate manner.

She shook her head. "I'm sorry but no, I haven't got a single clue indicating a way out." Sighed Rina. I sighed also and sat back on the ground, still tied up. "Oh I'm sorry, let me take these off." She untied me and I stretched around feeling free. "Amelia, how did you get caught?" Asked Rina as she crossed her legs. "Long story short, she snuck up on me." I sighed.

Rina shook her head and then stood up. "Well we need to get out of here, if we don't Yama is in big trouble." Said Rina in concern. "Why?" I asked in more concern then Rina. "Lumi is planing to use us as bait, and who knows what she can do now that she has the jewel." States Rina.

I shivered in anger. "If she touches Yama so help me I swear I will......" I stopped and and just paced. "We have to get out of here, I don't want that dirty slut touching my Yama!" I yelled in anger. Rina smiled. "Your Yama, I didn't know about this." Smirked Rina. I blushed dark red and held my face. "Ahhh, it's just I don't want Lumi touching him!!" I yelled without thinking. Rina smiled and nodded her her in an understanding manner.

"You love Yama Still, I can see that." Said Rina as she looked around. I sighed in defeat knowing it was still true. I stood up and felt around the dark room for an exit. I didn't find a exit but I did find a switch so I flipped it. The lights flickered on and I saw soul possessing demons all around us. They snarled and growled at Rina and I. "HOW LONG WERE THESE EVEN HERE!?!?" Yelled Rina as we both backed up and our backs touched.

"I don't know but, they don't look happy." I said as I darted my eyes between them all. "Can't you use some of your demon powers to kill them?!" Yelled Rina as she drew her katana blades. "I haven't had proper training, I don't exactly know how to summon them." I said as I shivered. Rina sighed. Just as she did a possessor ran towards her, she quickly dodged it and sliced through it. The possessor disappeared and the others began to charge towards us.

Rina was quickly dodging, flipping, and slicing through the possessors. I struggled to dodge them and keep my balance, I wasn't used to fighting like this or really at all. As I tried to dodge a possessor another came and bit into my arm. "AHHH!" I yelled in pain as I flared up in flames and burned the possessor alive. Rina was slicing through another possessor, until I ran past her and sliced the possessors in front of her with my bare hands.

Rina stared at me as I growled and let more flames emerge from my body. The flames were a yellow-red color and were surrounding my body. "Amelia.... your powers are triggered by wrong emotions." Said Rina in a soft voice. She seemed frightened. Just as I cooled down I felt my body to numb and fall to the ground, Rina ran over to me and fanned me as she stroked my head. Before I blacked out I heard Lumi open the hatch above us.

"Good job Amelia, you put my plan into action." Proclaimed Lumi as she smiled in an evil manner.

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