Chapter 2: Catching Bagon

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You headed to Route 3, so you could find stronger Pokémon to battle. As you walked into the grass, a mysterious blue Pokémon appeared. "Want to battle? That way we can both get stronger!" You asked it. The creature nodded it's head with approval, as if it were saying yes.

"Alright, go Rowlet!" You said, as you flung her pokéball into the air. The wild Bagon let her attack first. She used Razor Leaf, but her grass type move didn't effect the Bagon very much. You switched to Growlithe, but he immediately fainted after the Bagon used Hydro Pump.

You switched to Pichu, and she used Hidden Power. It was super effective against Bagon, and he slammed against the ground. You threw a pokéball at him, but he broke out of it, eager to keep battling. Pichu attacked again, and hurt the wild Pokémon, but he just got up and used Bite. "You're a tough little guy, aren't you?" You asked the determined Bagon.

"Pichu, use Hidden Power one last time!" You shouted. Bagon fell to the ground again. You threw a pokéball at him. The ball shook three times. Bagon allowed you to catch him, and the pokéball clicked. "I'll take you to the pokécenter and get you healed up," You said.

After your Pokémon were healed, you took them out of their pokéballs. "You guys sure did amazing today!" You exclaimed, hugging them. "Thanks for helping me catch such a strong Pokémon," You said to Pichu. You gave her a Rainbow Bean, and petted her. She began to glow, and grew into a Pikachu. You had heard somewhere that Pichu evolve when they become friends with their trainers.

You looked out the window and realized it was getting dark. You couldn't believe that you just got your first Pokémon today. How did you ever live without Pokémon? You then remembered that you saw an inn at Route 2 earlier, and decided that it was time to take a rest. "C'mon guys," you said, as you carried your Pokémon in your arms.

After you had checked into the hotel, all of your Pokémon except for Bagon laid down on the bed to sleep. Bagon was still full of energy, and he ran around the room. You laid on the couch, and turned the TV on. A little while later, Bagon walked over to you and snuggled up on your lap. Before you knew it, you began to drift to sleep.

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm just really excited to write the next chapter! Also, I might re-write the first chapter because it didn't turn out very well.

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