Chapter 4: Akala Island

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As you climbed onto the boat, you were a bit nervous. What would you say to Colress when you saw him again? You tried not to think about it too much. "[Y/n], before I set sail, is there anything you need to do back on Melemele Island?" Kukui asked. "Nope," You said, and the boat departed.

"Hey [Y/n], what are you going to do when you get to Akala?" Hau asked. "Well there's a friend of mine who wants to meet me there..." You said. "What's their name?" Hau asked. You replied, "His name is Colress." Hau teased, "Wait, it's a guy? I bet you two would make a good couple."       "You haven't even met him him before!" You said, harsher than you wanted to.

You were a little bit angry at Hau for making fun of Colress. But not for long though, because it was impossible to stay angry at him. You let your Pokémon out, so they could enjoy the nice view of the water. After what seemed like forever, you finally reached Akala Island.

You thanked Kukui for taking you here, and ran off the boat. You used your Rotom Dex to find your way to the Tide Song Hotel. It was a tall, white building with a beach behind it. Well, here goes nothing... You thought as you opened the door.

You walked up to the receptionist's desk and said, "I'm looking for a guy named Colress. He asked me to meet him here." She looked something upon her computer and said, "You mean the scientist? He's in Room 264." You ran to the elevator. The palms of your hands began to sweat, and you weren't sure if it was from excitement or nervousness. 

When you eventually found Colress' room, you knocked on the door. A few seconds later, he opened it and said, "Oh! It's you, [Y/n]! I was hoping you would show up. Anyways, how about we go outside and have a quick battle?" "Sure, why not?" You said, trying to sound casual.

When you got outside, Colress sent out his Magnemite. You sent out Growlithe, and before you could attack, Magnemite used Thunder Wave, slowing your Pokémon down. "Growlithe, use Flame Charge!" You told Growlithe. Colress smiled when he saw that you had used the TM he had given you. You were too busy staring at his adorable smile when his Pokémon attacked again.

"Magnemite! Use Volt Switch!" Colress said, switching out his injured Pokémon. He sent out Porygon, and you decided to switch out Growlithe because he didn't look that well. You sent out Rockruff. "Use Breakneck Blitz!" You said. The Z-Crystal he was holding began to glow, and he unleashed his full force Z-move. Colress' Porygon fainted, and he returned it to the pokéball.

"I'd really hate to interrupt right now, but we should probably go back inside," Colress said. He was right. You were so absorbed in battling that you had barely noticed the pouring rain. You went inside before you could get sick.

"The rain is supposed to last all night, so I'll get you a hotel room," Colress said. He talked to the receptionist and tried to get a room, but they were all taken by trainers on their Island Challenge. "There's no more rooms left, but you can stay in mine if you want," Colress told you. "Thank you," You said, trying not to smile.

When you entered his hotel room, he said, "You can take your Pokémon out if you want. I don't mind." You let all six of your Pokémon out, and fed them some berries. "Hey, [Y/n], would it be alright if I looked at your Pokémon?" Colress asked. You answered, "Sure, go ahead."

Colress seemed interested in Pikachu and Growlithe for some reason. He looked at them and said, "Some Pokémon require a special stone to evolve. I can help you evolve your Pokémon if you want me to." "Really? Thank you so much!" You said. Colress handed your Pokémon two stones and Pikachu and Growlithe evolved into a Raichu and Arcanine.

Colress also seemed interested in Bagon. "This is an extremely rare Pokémon you have here. Many Bagon dream of becoming a Salamence so they can fly. Bagon has the unique ability to recognize potential in trainers. They will only reveal themselves to trainers who they think will be able to help them evolve." "That's so cool!" You exclaimed.

Your Pokémon crawled onto the nearest couch like they always did when it's late. Colress agreed to let you sleep in his bed. "Wait, but where are you going to sleep?" You asked him. He answered, "Oh, don't worry about me. I'll just sleep on the floor. But you're the guest so you should get the bed."

Before you could stop yourself, you said to him, "Maybe we can share the bed. You'll sleep on one side and I'll sleep on the other." He said, "Alright, that sounds like a good idea." You crawled into his bed, and sure enough, a little while later he joined you. You easily fell asleep that night.

Love: The Perfect Chemistry ~ Colress x Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now