The Test

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Levi's POV

It has been around a week since our honeymoon ended and we are settling in our new home quite nicely, it couldn't have turned out better. (Y/n) has been awfully sick lately, maybe that's a good indication that she's pregnant, either way I hope she's going to be okay. We will get her to the doctors tomorrow if she is still being sick and feeling unwell. She is currently in bed, probably reading her favourite book while I am in my office in HQ, I wish she was here...My thoughts of her were interrupted by Eren bursting into my office, "Sir there's been reports of a titan just outside the walls, Erwin is requesting to see you right this instant" he said; saluting me at the end, I nodded my head, stood up and said, "tell him I'll be right there" Eren then nodded and ran off as quickly as he could. I sighed and looked out of the window, I could see our house from here, before I go out to do anything I better go check on the Mrs.

I stopped in at Erwin's office on the way to my house, I chapped the door before entering. "Hello Erwin, I would just like to ask if it would be okay to check on (Y/n) before we leave, is that alright?" I asked him, he nodded his head. "Of course, tell her I was asking for her. I will get your ODM Gear ready for you while your away" he said with a slight smile on his face. I smiled back, "Thanks Erwin" I said then ran off down the hall to go home.

"Hey sweetheart, I'm home" I shouted as I entered the small cottage, I heard her faint response from the other room. "Hello handsome" I smiled and made my way to the bathroom where she was hunched over the toilet bowl, "you feeling okay?" I asked her concerned, she nodded her head. "Yeah, I just can't keep anything down Levi" she sighed, "I'm going to take a test later" I looked at her in confusion, "a test?" She smiled and shook her head, "a pregnancy test, you dummy" she laughed slightly, "oh, I can't wait to find out the results." I said smiling at her, "yeah, neither can I baby" she said as she stood up slowly and kissed me. "Ew you're covered in sick" I said jokingly, "oh shush you" She said as she pulled me in for a hug. "Now you take care of yourself, I'm going away on a small expedition with Erwin" she nodded, curiosity at the back of her (e/c) eyes, "everything okay?" She asked, "I'm not too sure love, a titan has been sighted at the wall. Let's just hope it doesn't decide to do any damage to it" she nodded her head and sighed. "Be careful Mr, remember we might have a little one on the way for all we know" she said as she looked down at her stomach and smiled. "I will be fine, now you go get some rest" I said as I kissed her forehead, "I love you" I said as I made my way over to the front door. "I love you too" I heard her say as I left the house.

About 5 minutes later Erwin met me at the gates of HQ with my ODM Gear and other supplies. "You ready?" He asked, I nodded my head. "Ready as I'll ever be" and with that we set off into the air, grabbing and gliding through the sky, towards the big grey, cold wall where the titan was last seen. We landed on top of the wall next to some cannons, I looked over the ledge to see a 15ft titan looking back at me, "they're so ugly" I said as I "tch"ed in disgust. Erwin laughed, "you think they're bad, you ever looked in the mirror" I scowled at Erwin as he said this, he quickly stopped laughing and apologised to me. "I was kidding Levi you know that" I smiled at him, "I got you" we both laughed, just as we were joking around the titan decided to kick the wall, not hard enough to break it but enough to get the whole towns attention. "Woah" Erwin said as he wall began to shake, "what's it doing" I questioned as I looked over the edge, "(Y/n)" the titan said, my eyes widened. Did that titan just say my wife's name? "(Y/n)" it repeated, Erwin looked at me, realising what it just said he gasped. "what in the world, why is it saying her name" I said getting a bit angry, Erwin shrugged his shoulders. "Should we kill it?" I asked, "It might want to hurt her" Erwin thought about it for a minute before nodding his head, "Yes, your right. It might want to hurt her or worse kill her. Let's kill it" and with that we jumped down and landed on it's shoulders, I crept around it's neck whilst Erwin distracted it. I struck it's nape as Erwin went down and got its ankles, it fell to the ground with a loud thud. "(Y/n)..." it said as it died. "I wonder why it was saying her name" Erwin said as we went back up to the wall, "beats me, guess we may need to ask her about it"

On the way back I told Erwin that (Y/n) may be pregnant, he gasped and smiled. "Dude that is amazing news! I am so happy for you two, especially you, finally finding someone to love after all these years, now your starting a family with her" he said as he gave me a slight hug. I smiled as he pulled away, "I know I can't quite believe it myself" I said as I thought about (Y/n) taking the test right now.

Back at the house...
(Y/n)'s POV

I looked down at the pregnancy test which I had just done, it said to wait two minutes to find the result, this has been the longest two minutes of my entire life. I looked away for a split second and I began to feel sick, I put the pregnancy test down and kneeled over the toilet bowl once again, a few minutes past after me being sick I looked at the pregnancy test which showed two very prominent lines on the test, I gasped, tears of happiness began to dot at my eyes. "I'm pregnant!" I shouted out with happiness. I can't wait to tell Levi.

Levi's POV

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Levi's POV

I arrived home around 7pm, (Y/n) left me out some dinner which she had put in a microwaveable tub for me to heat up. She left a note too, it read;

Hello Dearest,

I have some news for you, but I will tell you after you have had some dinner. I will be back soon, I'm going to Hanji's lab to help her with some things,

I love you lots handsome,
(Y/n) ❤️

I smiled as I read this and heated up the food in the tub, she made me some chicken and potatoes for dinner. I ate it up quickly and waited for her to arrive home. Around half an hour later she arrived home with a big smile on her face, "Levi, I have something to tell you.." she said as she sat down next to me on the sofa, "okay sweetheart, I'm all ears" she smiled at me and handed me a pregnancy test. It said positive on it, I looked up at her, then back down at the test, "you're pregnant?" I said happily, she nodded her head. "You're going to be a dad Levi" she said as she hugged me tightly. My eyes began to tear up, tears began streaming down my face, no words could describe how happy I was. I'm going to be a dad. I'm going to have a family.

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