Captured (Part 1)

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(Y/n)'s POV

After we found out Annie was the Female Titan, there has been some suspicions about whether or not there were any more Titan shifters from that village. There were only 3 people that we knew about that came from the village and they 3 were Bertholdt, Ymir and Reiner. Levi was hesitant in interviewing them as it would give them the idea we were onto them, "This is all a big mess" Levi admitted, he was sat at his desk with his head in his hands. I could tell he was stressed out and angry about the whole situation, "Darling, we will get this all sorted out eventually, don't worry" I said trying to calm him down, "Don't worry!? you're due in less than 3 weeks! The babies could come any day now! And those brats think it's fun to try and outsmart me!" He growled in annoyance, I sighed and looked down looking a bit hurt. He noticed this and got up off his chair and approached me, "I'm sorry love, I'm just really stressed and worried about everything. I wouldn't usually get worried but now we have 2 little ones on the way really soon and I guess my fatherly instincts to protect my family are finally kicking in" he smiled slightly and paused, "I love you" he said as he kissed my lips passionately. As he pulled away I held him in my arms before saying, "I love you too Levi" he pulled away and smirked, "don't you mean daddy Levi" my eyes widened at his statement, "I'll leave that for the kids when they're old enough" I teased, "oh don't worry love, there's going to be plenty of opportunities for you to stay that when you have those two boys of ours" he said huskily as he peppered kisses along my neck and collarbone. I moaned slightly as he began to suck on my neck slightly, he swiftly lifted me up and placed me on his desk, papers scattered everywhere..' he's going to be angry about that later ' I thought as he he unbuttoned my top button to reveal my cleavage. "Levi, come on. We have to sort this" I said, he stopped and looked at me with puppy dog eyes, "but I was getting to the good part" he smirked, I rolled my eyes and smirked. "Well as you said, they'll be plenty of time for that later on" I said as I got off from his desk and began to pick up the papers that fell on the floor. He sighed and sat down at his desk, "Have I ever told you how much of a tease you are?" he asked, I nodded my head and smiled playfully. "Quite a lot actually" I admitted, he shook his head and chuckled. "Anyways, I better go and see Eren, Mikasa and Armin. I'll see you later, I love you" I said as I kissed his cheek and headed out of his office. "Bye gorgeous, I love you" he said as I closed the door.

When I got down to the food hall I saw that Ymir, Reiner, Bertholdt and Krista were sitting at a table away from everyone else. "What's going on?" I asked Eren as I sat down at the table, "they're acting strange, ever since the news got out about Annie they haven't spoke to anyone except each other"  he admitted, I raised one eyebrow and looked at Armin. "What do you think about it Armie" I asked him, "Well I mean they just found out about Annie, they're bound to be sad?" he said awkwardly, Mikasa rolled her eyes. "Yeah right,  more like they're hiding something too" she said. I nodded my head in agreement, "it's more likely to be that than anything else I think" i admitted. "Do you want us to keep an eye on them?" Eren asked, "that would be helpful, thanks guys" I said as I hugged them all individually. "It's our pleasure" Armin said smiling, Mikasa hummed in agreement. As I got up from the table Reiner and Ymir shot daggers at me, I smiled at them awkwardly and ran out of the food hall quickly. 'That didn't look suspicious at all...'  I thought to myself, whilst walking back to my house I bumped into my brother Niall. "You're here!" I said as I hugged him tightly, "of course I'm here! I'd not miss the birth of my two nephews!" He said as he placed his hand on my bump, I smiled and looked up at him, "How was the military police?" He rolled his eyes, "Its an absolute joke, not what I expected to be at all" he admitted, I smirked, "does that mean I'm stuck with you now?" I asked him playfully, "Yes you are. Bet you feel lucky now" he joked. I laughed, "I was just heading home, do you want to come and say hi to Levi?" I asked him, he nodded his head.

When we stepped into Levi and i's living room we were greeted by all of the higher ups, they all looked up at us and smiled. "Hello love, you're just in time" Levi said as he ushered me to come and sit next to him on our sofa, I looked at him confused but sat down anyways. "We're discussing our options about the 3 suspected Titan shifters" Levi explained to Niall and I, "We were thinking of capturing them when they're asleep" Erwin spoke out, "we figured that would be the only way we'd get them without them trying to escape beforehand" Hanji added, I nodded and looked at Niall. "What do you think we should do?" he cleared his throat and looked down. "I think we should kill them..or imprison them at least" Levi leaned forward and hummed in agreement, "the last part I agree with at least, Erwin and I have access to the cells down in the basement, nobody would be able to get in or out except us" he admitted, "that's a brilliant idea Niall and Levi! Well done!" Hanji congratulated them, Niall smiled weakly at her. "That's it sorted then, we'll capture them tonight" Erwin stated.

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