Captured (Part 2)

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(Y/n)'s POV

Around 9pm, we started preparing for the capturing and imprisonment of Ymir, Reiner and Bertholdt. Hanji looked out her chloroform and 3 rags to place over their mouths and noses so they'd be knocked unconscious, giving us enough time for them to be locked up in the basement. Erwin looked out the key for the basement and sent some higher ups to monitor Ymir, Reiner and Bertholdt's whereabouts before we capture them. Levi was hesitant about me being involved as he was scared me or the babies would be harmed, "Levi, don't be so worried. I can handle myself, you know that already" I said as I held him in my arms, he sighed and pulled away to look into my (e/c) orbs. "I know, but that's when you're not 8 months pregnant dear.." he admitted, I shook my head and smiled, "you're going to need to stop worrying so much captain, set an example for our boys. Do you really want them to be worrying about small things like this? You know I'll be fine Levi" he rolled his eyes at me and smiled slightly, "you're right, it's just I'm worried about all three of you, I can't help it. You're my family" I smirked and looked up at him slightly, "you're a big softie, daddy Levi" I teased, he blushed slightly and looked down. I noticed this and lifted his chin up with my finger, "not so tough now are you?" He smirked and kissed me passionately, "you're going to regret that dear" he said as he pulled away. Hanji then burst into the doors of Levi's office, "Time to go!" she shouted, Levi and I looked at her puzzled. She groaned and rolled her eyes, "two of the three suspects have escaped HQ, they escaped through the bathroom windows" she announced, Levi's brows furrowed and he ran out of the office, "I'm going to the stables, (Y/n), stay in HQ! I love you!" He yelled as he ran, Hanji shrugged her shoulders and ran after him, leaving me alone in this freakishly clean office.

Levi's POV

I ran out of my office to the stables, I met Erwin there who had the same idea as I did - which was to follow them. "Where could they be going?" He asked as I got onto my horse, "beats me, but they sure as hell aren't getting far" I said as I pulled the reins and my horse started running, Erwin followed after me as we followed the horse tracks out of HQ Headquarters and out beyond the walls. After about 10 minutes of following the tracks we heard another horse coming up behind us, it was (Y/n), I was a bit pissed off she came with us but she could be a big help. "Sorry Levi, I had to come, I was just concerned about you" she admitted, "and you're the one who told me to stop worrying too" I said as I raised a brow and smirked, she rolled her eyes and smiled. "I'm going to be a mother Levi, I can't help it" she said almost mocking me, "right that's it, you're in for it now" I smirked, we kept on riding until we eventually reached the forest where they had left their horses. "Strange" Erwin said as he looked up into the forest, "doesn't seem like they changed into titans" we got off our horses to inspect the grounds, Erwin shot his ODM gear up into the nearest tree and landed on the highest branch he could, "Do you see anything?" (Y/n) shouted up to him, he looked down at us and shook his head. "That's weird, where could they be?" (Y/n) said to herself. "Wait!" Erwin shouts as the ground beneath us begins to rumble, "shit" I said as I got on my horse, (Y/n) done the same. "Erwin, where are they?" I shouted up to him, he looked around until he paused directly in front of us, "there!" He pointed, The colossal titan stood tall whilst the armoured Titan was running directly towards us at tremendous speed. Erwin got down onto his horse and headed towards the colossal titan, "I'll take out the big one" he said, I nodded my head and looked at (Y/n). "Let's spilt up" (Y/n) said to me, I nodded my head, "be careful darling" I said, she smiled and we went out separate ways. As soon as we parted ways Reiner had a decision on who to go for, I prayed to every god up there he went for me and not for my wife. But now there's a new reason for me to be an atheist...

He went for my wife.

(Y/n)'s POV

Reiner was running towards me as fast as he could, I decided to turn my horse around and run away from him, god knows what would happen to me if I keep on going towards him. Levi made a beeline for me but was knocked off his horse by Reiner, "NOOO!" I shouted as I saw his body hit the ground with a lot of force, anger began to boil in my blood. I got of my horse and used my ODM gear to manoeuvre myself up to the armoured titans neck, just as I was about to stick my blade into his neck he flicked me off of him like a fly, i was flying in the air for a good few seconds before my body collided with the floor. I looked in the distance to see my wounded husband running towards me, Levi crouched down to see my face, "THIS is why I told you not to come!" He said sounding concerned but also pissed off, "I'm going to kill him" he said angrily as he got up and ran after Reiner. "Be careful!" I shouted, I lay there for a good 2 minutes before I felt liquid running down my leg. "Shit..." I said as I sat up slowly, fearing the worst I thought it was blood but it was my water. "Oh fuck!" I said as I got a contraction, "LEVI!!" I shouted in pain, I looked at him it in the distance, he looked back at me concerned. "THEY'RE COMING!" His eyes widened. "ERWIN! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" Levi shouted to him as he ran towards Reiner.

Levi's POV

I saw Erwin in the distance with a tied up Bertholdt on the back of his horse, I stopped running and waited for him to come to me, "do you need some help?" He asked me, "no, I need you to take (Y/n) back to HQ whilst I deal with Reiner" Erwin looked at me concerned, "is she okay?" He asked, "she's went into labour" Erwin's eyes widened, "oh shit" he said bluntly, I nodded my head. "Now you need to take her back, quickly, we don't know how long the babies will be to arrive" he nodded his head, "but don't you want to be there for when they arrive?" He asked me, "I'll be there don't you worry" I said as I used my ODM gear to slice Reiners ankles "Do your worst Captain!" Erwin shouted as he got on his horse and rode towards (Y/n).

(Y/n)'s POV

My contractions weren't that close together but the pain was unbearable, I looked ahead of me and saw Erwin on his horse with Bertholdt tied up. "Levi told me to come and take you back to HQ" he said as he offered me a hand up, "what about Levi?" I asked as he helped me up onto the horse, "he won't be long, trust me" he said as he made a turn and rode to HQ.

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