Gender Reveal

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(Y/n)'s POV

I was awoken by Levi clattering about in the Kitchen whilst attempting to make breakfast, I groaned and got up out of bed. Levi heard the floor-boards creek and ran through to our bedroom,"Did I wake you?" He asked, I nodded my head, "yes but it's alright though, I would have need to get up soon anyways" he smiled and nodded his head, "Breakfast is almost ready brat" he said smirking to himself as he went back through to the kitchen, I looked at him puzzled for a bit then decided to get ready.

~ Time skip ~

Not long after I was completely ready, Levi set the table and put breakfast out for us both, it was pancakes and syrup. I smiled at him, "you didn't have to go though all this trouble to make me breakfast you know" I giggled lowly as I looked around the kitchen, it was a mess but no doubt Levi would clean it before I even get the chance to. He shook his head, "Tch. I hate seeing the kitchen in such a state, do you mind if I clean it whilst you eat?" He asked, I nodded my head. He stood up and got his cleaning supplies out from their cupboard with a slight smile on his face, "Wish you looked at me like that" I jokingly said, he rolled his eyes. "You mean more to me than these cleaning supplies dear" I giggled and continued to eat my pancakes, watching him frantically clean the kitchen before his pancakes got cold. Around 5 minutes later he was done and he sat down in front of me, "that was quicker than I thought" I admitted to him, he sighed. "My best time is 2 minutes and 36 seconds. It's not that quick I've done better" I rolled my eyes and smiled, "what're you like" I said, he smiled and began to eat his pancakes.

It is now around 11:32am and I had an appointment with the doctors for my scan, we decided that when we get there we would get a gender scan as well as a normal check up. It was not long before we were in the carriage that we started debating what gender the babies were, "Are you excited to find out what gender our two little ones are?" Levi asked me as he placed his hand on my bump, i nodded my head. "I think it's two boys" I admitted, Levi shook his head. "It's two girls definitely" I smiled, "two boys or two girls or both, either way we will love them just the same" Levi nodded his head, "of course we will darling" he said as he kissed my head. We soon arrived at the doctors, Levi helped me out of the carriage and opened the doors to the doctors for me, "thank you honey" i said as I walked through the large glass doors. We waited roughly 20 minutes until the receptionist called my name for me to go and see the doctor, I stood up and took Levi's hand then headed into the doctors room. "Hello Mr and Mrs Ackerman! How are you both" the Doctor asked, "were very well thank you" Levi replies as he sat down on a chair near the window whilst I sat down on the bed, "how have you been feeling Mrs Ackerman?" He asked as I got comfy, "I've been fine, the babies have been fine too" he smiled, "well today you get to find out their genders" he said enthusiastically. I smiled and nodded my head, "Could you please lift up your shirt a little to reveal your abdomen" he asked, I nodded my head and done as he said. "This will be a little cold" he said as he placed the cold gel on my stomach, i looked over at Levi who seemed to be smiling contently to himself which was rare, he soon snapped out of it when he realised I was watching him and stuck his tongue out at me in a joking way. I rolled my eyes and grinned before looking at the tiny screen showing our two babies, Levi came over next to me and held my hand whilst looking at the screen, the doctor squinted whilst moving the scanner around. "There's a little boy...." he said trailing off, I looked up at Levi, he was smiling more than ever now. "And another boy!" I smiled, "thank you so much!" I said to the doctor as he wiped off the gel from my stomach, he smiled. "Let's just hope the next one is a girl eh" he teased as he winked at Levi, I shook my head as I stood up. "Tch. I'll make sure of it Doc" Levi said, pretending to reassure him.

"Two boys!? I can't wait to meet my two brave soldiers!" Levi said excitedly as we exited the doctors, I smiled at him and laughed, "yeah, and you'll be making sure the next one is a girl will you?" I teased, he nodded his head, "you bet I will" I laughed and shook my head, "if there ever is a next time, let's see how we manage with these two first" I said rubbing my bump, he nodded. "Good idea honey" he said as we stepped into the carriage to go home.

Back at HQ

As soon as we arrived we went to go and find Hanji to tell her the news about our two baby boys, we chapped on the lab door a good few times before she answered. "(Y/n)! Levi! What a lovely surprise!" She said opening the door slightly, "I'll be out with you in two minutes" she said as she shut the door quickly, Levi and I looked at each other and smirked slightly, she was probably in there with Erwin (😏). When she opened the door we soon found out we were right, "Hello Guys!" Erwin said happily, I smiled and waved and Levi just nodded at him, "we have some exciting news to tell you guys" Levi said, Hanji squealed and sat down, "please do tell!" She said almost jumping, "it's two baby boys!" I said excitedly, "YEYYYY!" Erwin and Hanji yelled, "THATS TWO MORE SOLDIERS FOR THE SCOUTS!" Erwin yelled jumping around, "AND TWO MORE TEST SUBJECTS FOR ME!" Hanji laughed almost psychotically, Levi and I looked at each other and shook our heads, maybe we made a mistake telling them...oh well!

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