Too Late (Part 1)

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(Y/n)'s POV

Mostly everyone throughout the three districts had heard about the Titan increase, this caused an uproar in the Military Police which caused my brother to come back to HQ to volunteer to be a scout since I would soon not be able to fight against the titans. He was very pleased about becoming an uncle to two little ones and was thrilled to hear that Levi and I had a house of our own as he could now stay in my old dorm next to Eren and Mikasa. We needed all the help we could get as many people were beginning to lose their lives outside the wall, over 100 people were killed in one expedition, it is usually only 10-30 people we lose but the number has increased drastically, Erwin and Levi are beginning to worry about our people and whether or not we should be putting in more hours but we don't know what we're going to do yet, it keeps getting worse every day.

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I looked out the window of our little house, watching the cadets go by to go out to fight, Levi stood by my side and sighed, "we're loosing more and more each day, we need to do something about it" I turned and looked at him, "is there really anything else we can do? They have the best training in the three districts and the latest ODM Gear, what more could we do?" I said as I looked at him sadly, he looked down at the floor and took my hand in his. "That's the thing dear, we can't do anything, they'll die off on their own, killing each other for food most likely, we just have to wait" he said as he held me close, "don't get to stressed about it love, it might effect the babies" he said as he rested his hand on my little bump that was now begging to form. I smiled at him and placed my hand on his, "we're going to be just fine babe, don't you worry" he kissed my forehead and smiled. "Now go kick some Titan butt!" I said enthusiastically, he chuckled and shook his head, "I married a weirdo" I growled at him slightly and looked at him trying to keep a straight face but I ended up laughing, he smirked to himself. "You can't stay mad at me Mrs Ackerman" he said as he gave me one last hug, "I know, now go, Erwin will get angry at you again & you can't use the excuse that you were helping me with stuff because I'm not that far on yet to not do anything you know" i said then I kissed him before he left. I stood at the door and watched him run off to go and save the world, my husband, humanity's greatest soldier.

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Levi's POV
A few hours later..

It has been a few hours since we left the secure walls that we call home, Titans were everywhere outside the walls and we were losing soldiers fast, Erwin is telling people to go back and get more help, most of them not even reaching the walls to tell them that message. "This is a fucking shit show" Eren shouted, Mikasa and Armin nodded their heads and turned to face me. "We need the most elite soldiers out here with us Levi, we need (Y/n) you two are - " I cut Erwin off by growling, "You do realise that my wife, (Y/n) is carrying my children right? This is putting her and them at risk, I'm not losing my family to these fucking creatures" Erwin sighed, "Look she's a strong girl she will make it and the babies will make it, just we need her right now and it's not your call to make whether or not she comes on this expedition with us" Anger began to fill my lungs, "She is my wife Erwin, she is the most valuable thing on this earth to me and if you think I'm going to let her get killed then you're wrong. If she dies out here I will kill you, I mean it" I shouted, my shouting attracted more Titans, some ran and some slowly plodded towards us. We all prepared for battle as Erwin sent Armin off to retrieve (Y/n), I really hope she will be okay...

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(Y/n)'s POV
Back at HQ, 45 minutes later..

I was sitting watching the news peacefully wrapped up in a blanket when there was a loud rhythmic knocking at the front door. I opened the door to reveal Armin, "Hello, Armin? May I help you?" I smiled, confused as to why he was standing at my front door when he was supposed to be out on an expedition. "Well, you see Erwin needs you, urgently. We're loosing too many cadets and we need you and Levi to stop the Titans together" I sighed and smiled at him, knowing that if I didn't do it I would get shit for it later I decided to go. I told Armin to wait outside and I got ready, i put on extra padding around my stomach and abdomen so the babies would be protected. As soon as I was ready we headed off to go and meet back up with Levi and the rest of the cadets.

Around an hour later we caught sight of many different cadets, many dead and some wounded and crying for help, as much as I would love to help I knew I just had to ride on, though my pregnancy hormones made me cry even though I knew this was my job. Armin looked over at me puzzled, "Why are you getting upset? You know it's either them or you" he said as he looked forward to look where he was going, I nodded my head and wiped my tears away from my eyes, "you're right, thanks Armin. Pregnancy hormones are a bitch" I laughed, he smiled slightly, trying to focus on which direction the Titans were coming from. There didn't seem to be many ahead, they had already passed us but I sensed that there would be more where Levi and the rest of them were so we quickly made our way to find them.

Around 2 hours later we found them in the forest, resting in trees and taking it in turns to keep watch. Levi noticed me and smiled slightly, I waved at him as he made his way down to see me, "are you okay?" He asked concerned, I nodded my head and smiled. "I'm glad to hear that, how are my two wee warriors doing?" He asked as he helped me off my horse and kneeled down to listen to my stomach, he smiled at me as he done so. "Your mum is very brave coming out here with you two in her belly, yes she is" he gave my stomach two kisses and stood up properly to give me a passionate kiss on the lips, I smirked and kissed him on the cheek. "Don't you go getting distracted you" I said as I noticed a hard bulge forming from the inside of his jeans, "this is going to be a fucking nightmare, I have to wait 9 months too" he complained, I smirked and whispered in his ear, "my mouth still works you know" as I went away from his ear I winked at him and he looked away, blushing a crimson red. I giggled and turned to look at Erwin, "any insight on why there is so many of them and why they seem to just have taken much more interest in the wall than usual?" I asked as I placed my hands on my hips, he shook his head and sighed. "Nope, Hanji and I are still trying to get to the bottom of it right now, I'm glad Armin is here to help us too though, could you and Levi keep watch just now?" I nodded my head. He smiled and mouthed 'thank you' to me, I walked over to Levi who was talking to Mikasa and Eren, "it's our turn to keep watch babe" I said as I gave Levi a hug from behind, he turned around and nodded. "Let's go up to the trees my love" he said as he took my hand and griped it tightly, as soon as we were on the trees I sat down as I began to feel quite fatigued. Levi looked at me worried, "are you okay?" I nodded my head, "pregnancy is tiring you know" I laughed weakly, he nodded his head, "it's okay, you get a little nap, I'll wake you up if anything happens" and with that I began to drift off to sleep...

Levi's POV

"(Y/N)! LEVI! WATCH OUT!" Someone yelled, I looked to my left only to see a titan climbing down a tree to get (Y/n) and I, my ODM gear stopped working for a bit which gave the titan enough time to grab (Y/n) she woke up confused, it only took her a few seconds to react to what was happening, but it was a few seconds too late, the beast had already swallowed her whole, my heart sank to the bottom of my stomach, I just lost my whole family. My precious wife and two unborn children, I broke down into a fit of tears, rage and anger consumed my body, I had to kill it, I just had to.....

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