Chapter 1: School x(

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   Jordan is in French class, just trying to pay attention and ignore all of the people whispering, pointing, giggling at her. The rumors were worse than ever. Jordan just felt like leaving, but she had this class with Joe, her boyfriend. 

   Joe was that guy every girl wanted. He was the star athlete of the school, he was smart, funny, more popular than anyone else, but he was cocky... Anytime he was around his friends, he was flaunting about how he was dating the smartest, sportiest girl in the school, how he won the championship game for everyone, how without him the school would be trash. Everyone thought it was cute, but not Jordan. Honestly, she was tired of it... Joe never let her go out alone with another guy. Even some of her best friends, who she would never in her life date. He would yell at her when she would talk to other guys without him around, once he almost hit her.

   She would only tell this to her best friends, Jordynn (yes, one of her best friends had her same name, but they were kind of drifting apart; she seemed to be changing... But ANYWAY), Mariana, KC, and Camry. All of them, except Jordynn, would ask her why she stayed with him. Jordynn would just tell her that it's her life and Jordan can do as she pleases. Jordan didn't really know why she still felt in love with Joe... It was just something about him; she couldn't describe it... It was just that one thing acting as a magnet, pulling her close and never letting her go.

   Jordan is a poetic freak. She loves quoting, writing songs and plays, but the one thing she loved most, was writing songs. It was the one thing that kept her from having a psychotic outburst! She just threw out all of her feeling on a few sheets of paper, and she was relieved. 

   So, she sits in class. Tortured by fingers and laughs. Jordan sees Jordynn and a popular, Jamie, passing notes... She worries a bit. 

   "Excuse me ladies, is there something you would like to share? Or should I say: Excusez-moi mesdames, est-il quelque chose que vous aimeriez partager?", your French teacher, Mr. Dupont, asks Jordynn and Jamie. "No, sir, or Non, Monsieur" Jamie says laughing. "I believe you do. How about you two come read that note to the class? I bet they'd love to hear it!" Mr.Dupont says, seeming a little angry that they interrupted class. "Okay then! But I think a few may not be so happy." Jamie says, quickly glancing at Jordan.

 Jamie: "Are you going to One Direction's concert next weekend?" the class snickers.

Jordynn: "Yeah, got two front row tickets! You want one?"

Jamie: "Hell yeah! But why don't you take you're little ass, Jordan?" A few people glance at Jordan.

Jordynn: "Doubt she even likes them, and sorry, but I don't want to invite cheating whores to concerts with me. I don't want to look like an accomplise. 

Jamie: "Haha right?! If she weren't so "popular" as if, Joe would've dumped her for me by now. She doesn't even deserve him. He's too good for her"

Jordynn: "I kind of agree. I can't just stop being friends with her though. She will probably have nothing left by the end of the year."

Jamie: "I bet we can speed that up! You too are really close! What do you know about her? C'mon! Spill!"

Jordynn: "Well she's been saying she was getting a little annoyed with Joe, but just takes it because, and I quote!: "There is something about him that just pulls her to him and never lets her go" or something like that, I don't really take time to listen" Jordan's eyes well up with tears. One of her bestfriends was telling her secrets like they were meaningless.

Jamie: "Wow!! Can't wait to find a way to twist that one up! Lol! Yeah, she will definitely be ruined! Plus, he would leave her for me any day! He just hasn't figured it out yet. He's way better than her, and he is probably thinking of how he's going too break the news to her right now." Finally, Jordan can't stand it anymore. She gets up out of her chair, stuffs her things in her messenger bag, picks up her French textbook, slams Jamie in the side of the head with it, and walks out the door. Jordan hears the gasp as she leaves, and doesn't even look back to see the damage she's done. She walked down the hallway towards the front door. The adrenaline just runs through her, faster than a race car, she hears her heartbeat. As she walks out the  door, she hears Camry running out the door calling her name. 

   "Jordan! Jordan! Jordan just stop for one minute just let me talk to you!" Camry yells, still trying to catch up. Jordan turns around, "WHAT?! What the HELL is there to talk about right now?!" she yells. It's raining, and Camry's trying to protect her freshly curled hair as she approaches Jordan. "You know you are so much better than both of them! Don't let them play you like that! You know none of that is true! They are both just being-" "What?! Stupid? Bitches? Retarded? Ignorant? What?! What are they? Okay, to me they are just like everyone else! Not knowing the truth, but playing it as if they do!" Jordan cuts Camry off, yelling through the rain. "Exactly! They are just like everyone else! Don't let them get you down! You have your real friends here for you!" Camry responds, trying desperately to convince her, while getting her umbrella out of her messanger bag. Jordan is just letting the rain soak her. "No. You won't be when someone comes up with another rumor about me! One that involves you guys! You will just leave me like everyone else!" Jordan says, crying now. "No, you know that's not true! I will always be here for you no matter what! Now just come back inside! You're soaked!" Camry replies, almost crying herself. "That's exactly what Jordynn said. But you know what? People change, and you can't change them back! I can't go back in there. I won't be able to control myself next time, and it'll only get worse", Jordan replies, turning her back, and walking away. Camry watches her leave, not knowing what to do. The bell rings, and people flood outside to see what happened. They all see Jordan walking out, and Camry running inside, with a tear streaked face, too upset to form words. Joe follows her inside. "What happened?! Does she really think all those things?! Why the hell didn't she just tell me?! Instead of embarrasing me like that! I'm going to be a laughing stock! God dammit Camry! Talk to me!", Joe yells, yanking her around to face him. Camry brings her hand up and slaps him across the face. It even hurt her hand, but she just turned around and ran to her locker to get her things for the next period. It's going to be a good one...

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