Chapter 11: Horseback Riding in Hollywood

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   It was 3 o'clock, and neither Jordan or Eleanor had eaten lunch yet, but all of the other boys did on their way to the bookstore. "Hey, how about we go on this Horseback riding thing! It sounds like so much fun!!!" Eleanor says, as she looks at one of the brochures for Sunset Ranch Hollywood. Jordan puts down her book (Secrets to the Grave) goes and sits next to her to look at the brochure too. "Oh my gosh, that does sound like fun!" Jordan says. It's a tour on horseback into Burbank, you have a Mexican meal, and ride back. "Hey Louis! We should go to this Sunset Ranch Hollywood! We can go to the 5 o'clock dinner ride" Eleanor says, showing Louis the brochure. "Oh yeah, that looks fun" Louis says, taking the brochure and looking through it. "What's that for?" Niall asks as he walks out of the bathroom. "It's horseback riding through Hollywood! Do you want to come?" Jordan asks him. "Well..." Niall says, looking at the brochure. "Please? I can't go alone!" Jordan says getting up and wrapping her arms around Niall's neck. "We will be there" Louis says. "Yeah, and I'd be a third wheel. No thanks! We can make it a double date! Or a triple, or quadruple, or um... I don't remember what the word is for 5..." Jordan says. "Alright" Niall says, giving Jordan a kiss. "Yay! Come on Jordan! Let's go invite Liam, Danielle, Harry, Donna, Josh, and Dani!" Eleanor says, getting up and grabbing the brochure from Louis' hands. Eleanor pecks him on the cheek and they walk out the door to the next room. "Girls..." Niall says, sitting down snickering. "We heard that!" Jordan and Eleanor both say in sync. 

   Liam and Danielle agree to go, but Harry and Donna and Josh and Dani already had double date dinner plans, and Zayn was going to a club with the rest of the band. Louis calls the Ranch and makes their reservations for the 5 o'clock ride and requests it be a private ride. They have to pay $75 more, but they'd rather, than a bunch of "walk ins" come to ride with them. They all get ready and Paul drives them there. They stop by McDonalds to get some "energy food" according to Niall.

    They get to Sunset Ranch and meet the tour guide. "Welcome to Sunset Ranch Hollywood! I'm Robert! Hope the tour is a good experience as well as the meal!" Their tour guide, Robert tells them. Jordan gets a white horse named, Jamie. Niall gets a light brown horse named, Dash. Louis gets a jet black horse named, Flash. Eleanor gets a tan horse named, Belle. Liam gets a dark brown horse named, Jack. Danielle gets a light brown horse, similar to Niall's, named, Rose. The tour guide takes a group picture, and then pictures of the couples individually with his professional camera, and then with their phones. They begin their ride. 

   Two hours in, they stop at the Mexican restaurant. They are all talking about how fun it was and what they saw. "The Hollywood sign was beautiful!" -Eleanor "Did you see the coast?! Phenomenal!" Jordan "The cliffs were insane!" -Liam "That was so much fun!" -Niall "I'm glad we came!" -Danielle. They all take their seats and order their food. When the food gets to them, they all eat excitedly! They are all starving! "I'm glad you told me to come" Niall says. "I'm glad you agreed to come!" "Haha! Yeah. This is fun. Getting away from everything" "That's what you said we'd do at the beginning remember?" "Yeah. Sorry I haven't been really following through on that babe" "But you did. I've had so much fun so far!" "Well, I'm happy!" Niall says, taking Jordan's hand. "So tomorrow at about 4 we will be leaving for San Fransisco. Do you guys want to do anything?" Liam asks. "Trust me. All you guys will want to do is relax tomorrow" Jordan says. "Why do you say that?" Louis asks. "Lou, this is a four hour ride. Your bum's going to be sore" Danielle says. "Oh yeah" Louis says. "We should all just relax at the hotel" Eleanor says, finishing her taco. "Yeah that sounds fun. Maybe have a movie marathon?" Niall says, eating his last nacho. "Yeah, that would be cool!" Liam says, wiping his mouth. They pay for the food and go back outside where the tour guide is talking to some man. The man looks at Jordan. He walks up to her and Niall. "So how've you been Jordan?" the man says, in a deep monotone voice. "Jordan do you know this man?" Niall asks Jordan, for she's looking at him with terror. "He's just-" Jordan swallows "just an old friend" she finishes. Niall doesn't take his eyes off of her. Liam, Danielle, Louis, and Eleanor just stand back. "I think we are more family, right Jordan?" the man asks her. "Yeah" Jordan says, still seeming terrified. "Hows your diet been?" the man asks her. "Can we please not talk about this?" Jordan says, kind of shaking. "Oh. I see. Well it's glad to see  you back where you belong. The cla- the rest of the family has missed you. You should stop by. We haven't moved" The man says. He looks at Jordan, and suddenly everyone hears a hiss, Jordan flinches, and the man walks away, disappearing into what seemed like, nothing, but it was dark. Everyone jumped "It was that snake" Jordan says, pointing to a snake, suddenly there out of no where. Liam takes Danielle to the horses, Louis does the same with Eleanor. "Where the hell did that come from?" Niall says looking at the snake. Jordan was looking at it too, and it hisses again, "It was there the whole time. Come on" Jordan says, putting her hand around Niall's waist and walking to her horse. Niall was completely confused. Who was that man? It's all he could think about most of the way back, but about an hour into the ride back, they all seemed to forget about it. 

   When they got back to the hotel, they all immediately jump into their night clothes, and get into their beds. Jordan crawls into Niall's arms and kisses him, passionately. He kisses her back, and Jordan playfully sticks her freezing hands up Niall's shirt. "Oh my god!" Niall says, as he feels her cold hands on his stomach. They both laugh and Niall takes Jordan's hands, wraps them in his and blows warm air into them. Jordan takes them away, slowly, and wraps her arms around Niall's stomach and lays her head on his chest, and falls asleep. Niall on the other hand, can't seem to close his eyes. He's still wondering who that strange man was. Why was Jordan so scared of him? Did he hurt her when she lived in America? Had a tragedy happened when they were together once? Did they just have an awful past? Niall had so many questions, but hesitated to ask them. What if they bring back bad memories and makes her want to leave? He would never forgive himself if he drove her away, but what was she hiding? Jordan gets a text message. She was fast asleep. Niall hesitates a little bit, but slowly picks up her phone and reads the text message. It was from her friend Camry and it said: "Gamel tlked 2 me today. He said he saw u horseback riding. Jordan, i think ur getting to comfortable around these people. Just please b careful, we dont want a replay of wat happened 2 me. i know u always say ur not like me nd r better with control, but there r always wat ifs... Just please jordan... b careful... oh nd make sure u r feeding. dont starve urself!! Ur not a psychic v remember?". Niall thinks "Gamel" is the man Jordan talked to... And he wonders, why did she say "feeding"? What can she control? A psychic v? What the hell was Jordan keeping from him?!

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