Chapter 5: The Tour Bus & Hotel

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   The plane lands in New York finally! Jordan and Niall get their luggage and wait on the rest of the boys to get theirs. While they wait, Niall begins to explain what will happen. "When we get off we have to go directly to the tour bus. It'll be waiting outside the airport. There will be a lot of fans, since this is the start, so just stick by me. By now, half the world most likely knows about us, so ignore the nasty comments. Sorry for making this all sound bad, just thought I should-" "Prepare me  for the worst, yeah I get it. Let's go shall we?" Jordan says, with a big smile. They wait in line to get off the plane, and when they finally do, Jordan realizes the madness Niall was talking about! There must have been thousands of girls screaming, cheering, crying even! Niall wraps his arm around Jordan's shoulder, "Let's go," he says kissing the top of her head. People were lined up across the airport, on the stairs, in the isles, in all of the stores, it was insane! Then, a big group of girls started walking behind them. One little blond girl with a video camera walked up beside them. Her face was COVERED in tons and tons of makeup! She runs up next to them nearly yelling in her high pitched voice, "Niall! Niall! Liam! Harry! Lou! Zayn! Zayn!!! It's my birthday will you please tell me happy birthday?! Harry! Please Liam!" they all look quickly into the camera and say happy birthday. Her friends all scream behind her. Then a couple of her other friends walk up beside the boys. One of them is a tall brunette, who says, "Will one of you please sign this?! Please?! Niall? Harry? Please!!" but they just keep on walking. She keeps bugging them so Harry stops very quickly and signs it. "Niall! Who's that girl?! Niall do you have a girlfriend?! Niall what's her name?!" a shorter, tanner brunette asks. "This is Jordan everyone bye!" Niall says as they exit the airport. "Well wasn't that fun?" Louis says as he comes up behind Niall and Jordan and he puts his hand on Jordan's back for a second, and then keeps walking in front of them. 

   They walk up to this giant tour bus. There are a bunch of men loading up the luggage into the bus. "So why aren't any people out here?" Jordan asks. "It's blocked off pretty well. There are people over there, see?" Niall says, pointing to a large group of girls on one side of them, and then another group on the other side. "Oh! Didn't even notice them!" Jordan says, astonished at how many people were here compared to the London airport. They get into the bus. It seems like just a normal RV... The first thing Jordan saw was at the front of the bus, was a little living room type area. It had a long couch on the right next to a little table with a couple of seats. On the left was another sofa, next to a small counter top with a sink. "Want a little tour?" Niall asks Jordan as they both lay their jumpers and Jordan lays her purse on the sofa. "I guess that would be a good idea," Jordan said. "Well it's not much to tour, but here's the flat screen" He turns around and motions towards a big tv behind them. Jordan didn't even notice it. "Sofas, counter, table, here's the microwave and oven, we don't really use," He says walking a little farther down in the little "living room" was a little black microwave atop a black oven. "And through here are the beds. You can take whichever one you like, but we don't really use them much," Niall says sliding open a door to eight bunk beds in a hallway. Opening another sliding door, Niall says, "And here's where we just hang out, play video games, whatever," Right when you walk in there is a big mirror right in front of you above the sofas which line the wall, with a flat screen tv on the right wall. "And that's pretty much it," Niall says with a smile. "It's nice," Jordan says, smiling back. They both walk back and Jordan sits on the couch. Jordan gets out her phone and checks her twitter, while Niall grabs a bag of chips, Harry, Louis, and Zayn play their Ninteno's, and Liam gets out his phone to text Danielle. Niall comes and sits next to Jordan. "Alright and we are off to the hotel. It's going to be about a 45 minute drive, so get comfortable!" Paul says, as he gets out of the bus and gets into a different car. Jordan now has 21, 024 followers! "Wow, people love you! Probably because you're so beautiful!" "That or because you announced my name on a video that is most likely on Youtube with hundreds of views, gave me a gold necklace in front of hundreds of fans, , Louis and Harry tweeted pictures of us and mentioned me in them, and Mariana has not stopped tweeting about her CD, picture, and being my best friend. I think most of your fans know who I am by now..." Jordan says, winking at Niall. "Your accent is so cute!" Niall says, tapping her nose. "Well in my terms, you're the one with the accent Mr. Irish Boy!" Jordan says, poking Niall's stomach. "But we are in a bus full of people from the UK and Ireland, and you are the only American, so I think I win this argument," Niall says, kissing her cheek. Jordan sees Louis take a picture. "Don't even think about tweeting that!" Jordan says. "Alright I won't. Promise!" Louis says, but he starts typing on his phone. Suddenly, Jordan gets an Instagram notification. "Louis!" she says, Niall starts laughing. "You never said no Instagram!" Louis says snickering. 

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