Chapter 25: Here Goes Nothing.

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   "Did you like the movie?" Niall asks. "I don't think I will ever be able to sleep again..." Jordan replies, clinging to Niall's side. Niall laughs, and wraps his arm over Jordan's shoulder. "Ahh. I think I would've liked it a bit more if Liam let us sit together," Niall says, sighing. "Great film wasn't it lads?" Liam says, walking up behind them, and patting Niall on the back, then running forward to catch up with  the rest of the boys. Then, a small, purple notebook fell out of Jordan's purse. Niall quickly bends down and picks it up, then gives it back to Jordan. "Awe, what a gentlemen," Jordan says, as she takes it out of his hands and puts it back in her purse. "It's in my genes. Anyway, what is that? Your diary?" Niall asks, smiling. "Sort of. More like a journal. I just write about stuff, no 'Dear Diary' crap," Jordan replies, and they both laugh. "Can I read it?" Niall asks, slowly inching his hand towards Jordan's purse, but she quickly slaps it away. "Absolutely not! You're still on probation for reading my texts!" Jordan says, winking at Niall and turning around. Niall grabs her wrist, turning her around and gently kisses her lips. "I thought we were over that" he whispers. "We are, but that doesn't mean you're not still in trouble," Jordan says, gliding her wrist out of Niall's gentle grip and walks towards the door. "Where are you going?" Niall asks giggling. "Well, since you're out living your dream everyday, I thought I'd take advantage of all this traveling and score myself an audition" Jordan says, searching for her phone to call a cab. "An audition for what?" Niall asks, handing her her cell phone, which was sitting on the bed. "A TV show," Jordan says, taking her phone and looking up the nearest cab service. "You never told me you were into acting. I could've helped..." Niall says. He backs her up against the wall and cradles her face in his soft hands. "I wanted to do this on my own. For the past year you've been pretty much doing everything for me," Jordan replies. Niall rubs his nose against Jordan's, and after a quick kiss, she walks out the door. "Well can I come with at least?" Niall yells down the hallway. "Ugh, sure I guess, Just hurry! The cab will be here in a couple minutes," Jordan says, as she turns around to go back into the hotel room and waits for Niall to get ready. 

    In the cab, Niall wraps his arm around Jordan's shoulders and whispers in her ear, "Are you excited?". "Of course, but I'm ready," Jordan replies. "Hey! You're that One Direction kid huh? My daughter loves ya'! Mind if I get your autograph for my little girl?" the cab driver yells back in his hoarse, smoker's voice. Niall grabs a piece of paper the cab driver handed to him and signs his name, "What's your daughter's name?" Niall asks. "Liliana" the cab driver replies, and he stops next to the hotel where the auditions are being held. Niall signs a little note and hands the paper back to him. "Thank you, son! Oh, she'll be so happy!" the old cab driver says. "No problem, sir, and thank you" Niall replies, shutting the car door. They walk into the hotel and head to the ballroom where about 20 other people were standing in line to fill out their paperwork. They wait in line, and after 15 minutes, they finally get their paperwork. Seven young ladies were escorted out for acting 'unprofessional' around Niall. 

   Jordan and Niall sit down in the big ballroom. Niall feels the tension in Jordan's arm, and nuzzles his nose on her cheek, then down her neck, until he reaches her ear and nibbles at her ear, then whispers in his satin like voice, "Calm down babe. You'll do great. I know you will,". Niall grabs Jordan's hand gently and holds in in his own. "Thanks" Jordan replies, pecking his lips, and finishing her paperwork. "Jordan Davis!" the announcer calls, "Jordan Davis you are up next!"

   "Well, here goes nothing..." Jordan says, as Niall gives her one more kiss for good luck, and she walks into the small curtained area to audition. 

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