Chapter 16: Fall For You

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   All throughout the night, Jordan explained to Niall, Louis, and Liam her situation and all about Daywalkers, so they'd know what was going on. Eleanor and Danielle went to the movies with Donna and they had a little girls night. The guys were actually pretty good about it, but none of them were sure on how to tell Harry, Zayn, Donna, Danielle, and Eleanor. They knew they'd have to at one point in time, Liam suggested soon, for it'll make them all closer and stronger, but Niall and Louis suggested later, for there is already a lot of gossip, and the reporters could be anywhere, so we don't want it to accidently slip. So they were still debating when Danielle, El, and Donna came back, so they all just slept on the subject, and they would discuss again later. 

   In Harry, Donna, Liam, Danielle, and Zayn's room, Harry is the first to wake up, and Donna is curled up in his arms. He softly brushes her hair out of her face, and smiles, as she slowly wakes up. "Hey" Donna says in a cute, soft morning voice, this makes Harry smile so big. "I didn't mean to wake you, love" Harry tells her, moving Donna's beautiful brown hair behind her ear. "Well I'm awake now aren't I?" Donna says, giggling. "I guess so" Harry says, as he leans down and kisses her softly. They kiss for a while, bodies so close, tangled in each other's embrace, it was almost impossible to stop, but when they do, they stay close. "I'm really glad you got to come on tour with us. It wouldn't be the same without you" Harry says, brushing her cheek lightly with his pointer finger. "Awh, I'm glad I got to come too, babe" Donna says with a big cheeky smile, as she leans up and kisses him again. Donna tangles her fingers in his beautiful curly hair, and Harry puts his hands on her waist and pulls her close, then wraps his arms around her. They continue to kiss, slowly, passionately. They were in love, and nothing ever came between them. They were Romeo and Juliet, the one thing separating them was the Atlantic Ocean, but it was a big barrier, yet they remained in love. They've been together for a year and a half. They already knew each others parents, and they were like one big family. It is perfect. Everything's perfect. This moment, their love, their lives; everything. They finally stop their kiss. "Well today is a free day pretty much, and we are in the lovely state of California. How about we do something?" Harry suggests. "Sounds fun!" Donna says. "I hear there's a pretty good bar up the street" Harry says, and Donna looks at him with a 'seriously?!' face. "What?" Harry says, laughing a bit. "We are in America babe, the drinking age is 21. No bars" Donna explains. Harry sighs and lays on his back and looks at the ceiling. "Well what do you think we should do?" Harry says, looking a little bummed. Donna climbs on top of him and gives him a big kiss on the lips, "How about we just stay here?" Donna says, as Harry puts his hands on her waist, a little south of the border, but Donna doesn't mind anymore. "Sounds nice, but Liam and Danielle have this place booked for movies and popcorn" Harry says, reaching up for another kiss. "Hmm... Okay, how about a drive in movie?" Donna suggests, she hasn't been to one in so long, it'll be so much fun! "Classy, old school, romantic. I love it!" Harry says, and Donna kisses him again. "Alright, I'll get the laptop and find one near by!" Donna says, about to get off Harry, but he pulls her in once more, and they kiss again, long and slow, passionate and gentle. Harry rolls over and is on top of Donna, they both laugh, and kiss again, then Zayn throws a water bottle at Harry and says, "Keep it down! It's 8 in the morning!". They both giggle again and Harry gets off of Donna, so she can go look of drive in movies. 

   Niall wakes up first, and he is wrapped around Jordan. He just watches her for a little, in his eyes, she's the most beautiful girl in the world, and she was in his arms; it was a dream come true. He gets off the bed and goes to the bathroom to freshen up. Then he wonders... 'How long will Jordan be asleep?'. He goes back into the room and looks at her; Jordan's still fast asleep. Then, he looks at his guitar. Did she ever mention liking guitars? Does she play? Well, he was wanting to go to that guitar shop everyone's been talking about anyway, if she doesn't play, he can just keep the guitar. How long have they been together? Like 7 months? 6? He couldn't really remember... He just goes in his sweats and pulls on a sweater, it's 8 AM, he doubts too many paparazzi will be out. 

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