Chapter 8: Josh and Dani

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   A month more into the tour it is. Jordan has gotten very close with all of the boys, their girlfriends, the band, security, make up artists, designers, pretty much everyone. She even Skyped Niall's mother with him one night! She is where she wants to be. Everyone likes her for her and she doesn't have to pretend, which is such a change from her old life. They will be in Texas for 3 days, which means through 4th Of July! Jordan is excited!

   All of the boys and their girlfriends are in one hotel room watching Alice in Wonderland. Jordan is checking through her Twitter when she gets a text message from KC. "heyyy! I didn't want 2 txt to early since you were with the boys and ur probly busy right now but when u can txt me back please do!! xoxo" Jordan texts her back: "Heyy! Not busy right now. Just chillin in the hotel room with these knuckleheads!" and takes a picture of Zayn, Harry, Donna, Liam, and Danielle on the floor and sends te message with the picture. KC texts back: Awwww Darry and Lanielle are so cutee! But I saw these pics... Wanna talk?" with a picture of 4 clips of what happened at the mall a while ago. The first one was when she charged Emerald, the second of her wild punch to the side of her head, the third of the fight and Niall and Harry pulling them off eachother, and the fourth was Niall hugging her in the corner while she cried. "Hey I'll be right back babe" Jordan says, kissing Niall on the cheek and leaving the room. She walks outside and calls KC. 

Jordan: Hey

KC: Heyyy

Jordan: So about those pictures

KC: Please explain why you are getting into fights again? I though you were done with that when you were done with all the rest of the stuff... Like the weed and everything!

Jordan: I was! But that's why. She brought it up. The rumors, the weed... Everything. Joe was there too. They had a slobber fest to annoy me... 

KC: And it worked didn't it?

Jordan: Well yeah! Considering right before that she was all rubbing up on Niall! Sorry I got a little protective!

KC: Come on! She's his nut job ex!

Jordan: And you know that how?!?!!?

KC: Obsessed directioner still! I know just about everything!

Jordan: Oh yeah. Haha!

KC: So I'm guessing Niall was okay with how you used to smoke and drug deal and jump people and hang with the thugs?

Jordan: Wellllllllll I didn't tell him about everything. Just the weed... 

KC: Jordan!!!

Jordan: That's all Emerald brought up and what if he would've gotten mad at me?!

KC: According to 4 different Update sites and stalker paparazzi websites, he said "As long as it's in your past I'm fine with it"

Jordan: You people are so creepy!

KC: Gotta love this fandom!

Random little girl outside the hotel: Are you talking about us?

Jordan: Oh no! I'm talking to a friend!

Random little girl outside the hotel: Well we've been following you around and stalking your twitter since you and Niall got together! Hey have you been with Niall?

Jordan: Um, I was just up in our hotel room...

Random little girl outside the hotel: Can I have your shirt?

Jordan: My shirt?

Random little girl outside the hotel: Coming mom!!!!! Bye Jordan!!! Hurt Niall and you will drown in a pool of angry directioners!!!!

KC: Be happy I'm not that weird...

Jordan: I think I am.... Oh hey Josh!!!

KC: Josh is there?!?!?! Oh my god!

Josh: Hey J! This is Dani! Just picked her up from her house. Dani this is Jordan

Dani: Hey nice to meet you!

Jordan: Nice to meet you too! Hey Josh I got a crazy fangirl best friend on the phone, can you talk to her so she will shut up?

Josh: Haha! Yeah sure. Put it on speaker.

Jordan: KC. KC. KC. Shut up so you can talk to Josh...

Josh: Hello KC!

KC: Oh my gosh! Hi Josh!!!

Josh: How are you?

KC: I'm amazing and even more amazing now that I'm talking to you! Haha!

Josh: Hahaha! So what are you to J?

KC: J? Oh you mean Jordan? Oh we've been best friends since she moved to Ireland!

Josh: Well a friend of J's is a friend of mine!

KC: Awesome!

Josh: Well I must be on my way love!

KC: Okay! Bye Josh!

Jordan hangs up the phone and walks in with Josh and Dani. Josh has his arm over her shoulder then whole way and is constantly kissing her. They are obviously in love. They walk up to the hotel and everyone says hi and gives hugs. Tomorrow is 4th of July! 

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