Chapter 24: Uh-Oh

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   The next day is nothing similar to yesterday. Everyone is still adjusting to Jordan and Liam's relationship. Liam has started treating Jordan more like a sister now, teasing and annoying her. You'd think it was flirting, if you didn't know they were cousins. They are all in Niall, Jordan, Louis, and Eleanor's room watching a movie. Jordan is dressed in short- cheer -shorts and Niall's jumper. Niall is wearing some sweatpants and a white tank top. Everyone else still wears their PJs. Jordan and Niall look at each other, and smile, trying to break the awkwardness at least between them two, Niall pulls Jordan in for a quick kiss. Their lips touch, softly, and Niall's hand wraps around Jordan's neck, and her hand makes it's way to his waist. They look at each other, as Niall moves his other hand to Jordan's thigh and playfully squeezes it. Jordan, being ticklish, laughs and softly moves his hand, but he moves it back, moving it more and more up her leg, until he's touching her bottom. He pulls her in to kiss her again, but this time longer, and sweeter. 

   Liam sees this, and his eyes go straight to Niall's hand on Jordan's butt, and he slaps it away. "What the hell?" Niall asks, laughing, as if Liam was joking. "Do you have to touch her like that?" Liam asks, getting a little angry. "Liam!" Jordan says. "Well she is my girlfriend, I think she would've told me if she didn't want my hand there" Niall says. "What, Jordan? You're my little cousin! I don't want people touching you like that!" Liam says. "Oh, wow! You haven't even known you two were related for 24 hours and you're already acting like you own her?" Niall says. "Niall!" Jordan says, a little louder this time. Niall looks at her, and he cools down. Jordan moves her legs a little bit off of Niall's, and Liam looks back at the tv. Niall puts his arm around her waist, and she leans her head on his chest. About two minutes later, Niall slowly moves his hand down to Jordan's thigh, then her bottom again. She gets up and goes to the other bedroom. 

   Suddenly, Zayn knocks on the door, and walks in. "Hey" Jordan says. "Hey, something wrong?" Zayn asks, sitting really close to Jordan, she thinks about scooting over, but he is like a brother, so she allowed it. "No, just wanted to get up before Liam turns around and starts an argument again" "Well, he was just trying to stand up for you..." Zayn says. "Yeah, but me and Niall have been dating for almost a year now, and sleep together every night. I'm perfectly fine with being touched by him." Jordan says. "Well, Liam is really starting to care about you more. He takes family really seriously" Zayn tells her. "Yeah, I guess what he did was really sweet..." Jordan says, looking up at Zayn, who was now extremely close. His face only inches from hers. Jordan could smell the cigarette smoke. Then, in the spark of  the moment, Zayn leaned in and kissed her. Jordan could now taste the cigarettes, which intimidated her. She didn't want this to be happening, but it was so wrong, it felt right, so she let him keep kissing her. Over and over their lips moved; Jordan wanted so badly to push him away, but it was nearly impossible. Jordan's hands stayed on the bed, but Zayn's moved to her waist, then up her shirt, and he felt her bare stomach, as he slowly pushed her down and nearly got on top of her. His hands moved up and down Jordan's body, from her upper thigh, to her ribs. Then, his hands stayed on her bottom, and Jordan grasped his shirt as he started to kiss her neck, but then, Zayn tried to pull down Jordan's shorts. "No, Zayn, stop, stop" Jordan says, trying to be quiet, and pushing him off of her. "Oh God." Zayn says, as he gets off of her and sits back on the bed. Jordan slowly sits up, and looks at Zayn for a split second, then looks away. "Jordan, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen" Zayn says, looking at his hands, that lay in his lap. "It's fine. That  never happened, do you understand?" Jordan says. "I swear." Zayn tells her.

   As if on cue, Niall knocks on the door, and walks in. "Hey, babe, sorry if I touched you uncomfortably..." Niall says, twiddling his thumbs. Jordan gets off the bed and wraps her arms around Niall's neck and kisses him. "It's fine. It wasn't you, I just wanted to make sure Liam didn't get upset again," Jordan says, pulling Niall in again, to kiss him, slowly, deeply. Niall starts to snicker, "Okay then. Zayn, you can leave, thanks mate, we have some... Apologizing to do," Niall says, smiling at Jordan, and when Zayn leaves, he picks her up and carries her over to the bed, kissing her neck and shoulders. "Just tell me if you get uncomfortable from now on, okay babe?" Niall says to her. "I swear," Jordan says, pulling his face up to kiss her lips. He lays her on the bed, and gets on top of her, then someone knocks on the door. "We're a little busy," Niall says, kissing her neck, and unzipping her jumper. They kiss sweetly, passionately, and Jordan moves her legs so they are wrapped around Niall. "I love you, Niall" Jordan tells him when they pull apart. "Is there something wrong, love?" Then, Harry opens the door and says, "Ooooohhh... Can we make it a threesome? Oh yeah!" Jordan overlaps the sides of the jumper, so her bra wasn't showing off. Niall laughs, and looks at him, and says, "Look who finally came out of the closet, but sorry, I'm not available right now". Harry puts his hands up in surrender, "All right, I'm leaving, but any bed creaking, and I'm sending Darth Cousin in here" Harry says, closing the door.

   Jordan and Niall get up and follow Harry back into the living area. They snuggle up close together, and Niall wraps his arm over Jordan's shoulder, but Jordan moves it down to her waist, Niall smiles at her. Jordan notices Zayn looking at them, and after making a second of eye contact with him, she nuzzles Niall's neck, and he looks down at her and gives her a big, sweet kiss. Jordan sighs in delight, as if she just tasted the best food she's ever experienced, and says, "One more", so Niall smiles, and leans down and gives her another kiss, but this time a little longer, and when Jordan looks back down, Zayn is staring at the tv. Jordan cuddles up close with Niall, and they watch Finding Nemo. 

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