Chapter 15: Healing

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"Come on. I know someone who can help her. He's deeper in the woods, away from the clan. It's a long walk, so let's go. I can't carry four people" Adam says, putting Jordan on his back. "You don't have to. I will help you carry them" Gemma comes out of nowhere. Adam picks up Liam, and Gemma throws Louis on her back and picks up Niall. They run, about 190 MPH for 15 minutes, when they stop. Gemma puts down the two boys and darts away. "Oh goodness Adam, what have you brought me?" A younger looking man, maybe in his thirties, says. "A Daywalker. She's greatly injured and needs your help immediately" Adam lays Jordan on a table in this huge cave. "I'm fine" Jordan tries to sit up. "No love, let them help you" Niall says. "You can sit over there, give me an hour at most" The man says. They all sit up against a wall for about 30 minutes, when the doctor says he's done. Niall is the first one by her side. She looks nearly the same as she did before, other than a couple stitches in her head, but the doctor says they can take them out in about 5 minutes, since she rapidly heals, faster than most Daywalkers at the age of 100. Jordan sits up and smiles at Niall. She wraps her arms around him and kisses him. He lifts her off the table and spins her around. The other three boys stand back and watch, giant smiles plastered across their faces. Adam and Jordan carry them to the nearest trail and Niall asks Paul to pick them up there. Adam carefully takes out the stitches in Jordan's head. Jordan hugs Adam tightly, and Adam hugs her back. This time, Niall doesn't care. He stands back and smiles. They are family. Jordan sheds a tear at saying goodbye to the only real family she had left. "Hey, don't you cry over me. You can call, text, Skype, Tweet, Facebook, or whatever the hell you want me to sign up for whenever you want. And you'll be back right?" "Yeah Adam. I will definitely come back" Jordan tells him. She hugs him once more, and he kisses the top of her head. When she finally lets go, he shakes each of the boys hands, but he hugs Niall. "Take care of her. She can be a pain in the ass, but take care of her. She deserves it" Adam tells Niall, turns to Jordan, quickly winks at Jordan and darts into the woods right before Paul's van pulls up. "What happened to you four?!" Paul says as they all climb in. "Long story, short, Hiking Trip Gone Bad" Liam says. Niall wraps his arm around Jordan and kisses the top of her head, and they head back to the hotel.

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