Chapter 3: Life With The Boys

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   Jordan and Niall walk to her apartment to pack her things. On the way, Niall gets mobbed a few times by fans, but he says that it wasn't near as bad as usual. Instead of it being a 20 minute walk, it turns into an hour walk, but they finally reach the apartment. When they arrive, Jordan's roommate, Mariana, is ecstatic! Mariana just can't believe Niall Horan is in her apartment! "Hey Mariana!" Jordan yells as she walks in. Niall walks in a little awkwardly and sits on Jordan's little couch. "Hey! Don't sit on that!" Jordan says, jokingly. "Oh, sorry!" Niall says as he stands up. "I was joking!" Jordan says as she laughs. Niall walks over to her, throws her over his shoulder, takes her to the couch, lays her down, and starts tickling her. "NIALL! STOP! STOP! THAT TICKLES! CUT IT OUT!" Jordan yells through her laughs. Niall climbs on top of her, and can't help but laugh at her laugh! Jordan grabs his collar and rolls both of them on the floor.

   She is on top of him now. They look at eachother for about a minute, their lips only inches apart. "Um, I need to go pack," Jordan says, quickly getting off Niall and helping him up. "Yeah.  Would you like me to help?" Niall says, putting down his jacket and following Jordan to her room. "Yeah sure. Will you get that trunk out of my closet? Its at the top," Jordan requests. "I'm not that tall you know," Niall says, winking. He gets it down and sets it on Jordan's bed. Jordan unlatches it and walks to her closet. "I don't have a lot..." She says, bringing out all of the clothes she owns, folding them, and putting them in the trunk. "It's okay. You're beautiful no matter what you wear" Niall says, smiling and kissing Jordan on the cheek. Jordan takes the trunk into her bathroom and packs her toiletries. She comes back out and goes through all of her drawers to make sure she didn't need anything else. She comes across an old scrapbook her mum made her when she was a baby. It was full of pictures from the time her mum and dad met, to the time they died, which was when she was 13. She hasn't touched the scrapbook since she moved in with Mariana. A tear rolls down her face as she looks at the little picture on the front of the scrapbook of her, her mum, and her father. It was the last family picture they ever took together. Niall sees that one single tear and walks over to her. He slowly pulls the scrapbook from her fingers and hugs her tightly, burying his face in her neck. "I'm sorry. I'm probably ruining your day... Telling you about my crappy life, I should be over saddness by now..." Jordan says, when they release their hug, as she laughs a little. "Hey, that's something no one should ever get over. Don't be too hard on yourself," Niall says, lifting her chin. Niall puts the scrapbook in her trunk and closes it. "Are you done packing?" He asks, grabbing the handle, ready to lift it. "Um..." Jordan starts as she finishes going through her dresser and closet, "Yep, I think that's it,". She picks up her messenger bag, stuffs all of the money she has in her wallet, and puts her sunglasses, extremely small make up bag, phone charger, camera charger, and camera in her bag. They walk out of her room and Mariana is waiting for them in the living room. "Are you ready to leave me behind and live the dream?" Mariana says jokingly, giving Jordan a massive hug. "I guess! I promise I will find a way to send you money every month for rent!" Jordan says hugging her tightly back! "Don't worry about it too much! I think I can handle myself! Well, I guess this is it! Don't talk to anyone else when you get back! I better be the first one you greet!" Mariana says, opening the door. "Promise!" Jordan says. They look at eachother for a minute. They've been friends forever, and have lived together for a year. They were practically sisters. They hug one more time, and Jordan leaves. Harry, Zayn, Louis, and Liam are waiting outside in a car. "Hey, we thought we'd give this to your roommate. Niall needs to sign it still," Harry says, handing Jordan an Up All Night CD signed by all four of them. Louis hands Harry a sharpie, who hands it to Niall, who signs the CD. "HEY MARIANA! WAIT!" Jordan yells as she runs back to the door. "Having second thoughts?" Mariana asks. "The boys asked me to give you this," Jordan hands her the CD. Mariana looks at it, smiles the biggest smile ever and hugs Jordan tightly. Then, all five boys come up behind Jordan, and take turns giving Mariana a hug. Of course, the fangirl Mariana is, she asks to take a picture with them. Jordan takes a quick snap, and they leave. 

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