No Time for Good Men

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"How long left on this god forsaken thing!" Shouts Clock

"Not long, about 8 minutes" Oz says

"Fuck sakes, these trains are so fucking loud"

Trains had come a long way in the last 200 years, moving from steam trains to fully automated magnetic super sonic shuttles. Trains in the future were nearly silent and travelled nearly 100 times the distance in the same time frame as trains of this era. To an unfamiliar ear, these trains were almost unbearable.

They approached the platform in Manchester station and set foot off the train, to Clocks delight. They had their train tickets stamped and then they left the station. Using the Tech-Man as a highly sophisticated GPS, they navigated the fastest route to the University, so they could meet up with Rutherford, still unsure on what they were going to say. The Tech-Man took them through a small street that led to a small alleyway that seemed to back on to some drinking establishments. The team walked up the alleyway, careful not to stand on any of the paralytic booze ridden gentlemen on the ground. Clock grasped his firearm, something he had not done since arriving here.

"Guys, stay calm" Said Clock

"What?" Hannah and Oz said in unison

Clock pulled out his gun and it hummed with green energy. Reloading a weapon was a thing of the past in their time. Weaponry made in Britain was now solar powered and converted into force blasts capable of concussive impacts. Clock pointed his weapon at a dark corner of the alleyway whilst the others looked on with a mixture of fear and confusion.

"You are about 200 years to early to sneak up on me. Come out, Now!" Clock demanded

"James, what do you think you're do..." Hannah says, interrupted.

"Now now, violence isn't necessary" Said a calm, deep voice from the shadows

As Oz and Hannah stood shaking, wondering what was going on, Clock was calm. The others knew that Clock was an unbelievably experienced soldier and agent for the British government, but they didn't understand how he could possibly be so calm in this situation.

A man slowly appeared from the shadows. He wore a simple black suit with a grey undershirt. He has a small moustache and a bowler hat which sat atop slightly greyed black hair. In one hand he held an old-style magnum pistol that was calmly rested at his side and a long cigarette in the other. The man holstered his weapon and put his cigarette to his lips, after a few moments he let out a huge cloud of smoke from a foul toothed creased grin.

"Do you have, any idea, how long it takes to find, relocate and strip an invisible space craft?" the Man said

"What did you say!" Oz said loudly

"Explain. Now." Clock said

"You must have really thought you went unnoticed. Well ya didn't"

"It's 1912." They all thought, how could he possibly grasp the technology. He had not only grasped it, but apparently moved it and stripped it down. This was not good, not good at all.

"I can tell by the look on your companions faces, this isn't something that you thought was even possible, not to worry, I can explain" The man said, having another puff of his cigarette

"Do tell, stranger" Clock says

"I am One, I work with The Organisation. We find and track things out of the ordinary. We collect them, strip them, and use them to advance ourselves, and eventually the world"

"Eventually?" Hannah asks

"Well of course, humanity used to think Science was witchcraft, you have to time these things" One says

"That is terrible" Hannah says with a frown

"Well, this is no time for good men, only capable ones" One replies

"This is all super interesting and all, but what do you want?" Clock asks, still with his weapon pointed steadfast at One

One threw his cigarette to the ground and stamped on it with his shiny black shoes. He put his hand into his pocket which made clock twinge slightly. One smiled at Clock and put his hand up to signify he wasn't doing anything dangerous. He pulled out a small notepad from his pocket and opened it up to read from.

"From our intel, you arrived sometime after 12.00pm on the 15th. Some witnesses say that you dropped from the sky, others say that you just appeared. All have been silenced, so no need to worry" One says

"Silenced?" Oz asks

"He killed them." Clock says without flinching

"We tracked you go around the country, seemingly aimlessly for a few days, until now." One continues

"So, what do you want?" Clock asks

"Simple really, where are you going?" One asks

Clock looked One dead in the eyes, still fixed between his crosshairs. One showed no emotion other than a small constant grin. Clock had seen many kinds of soldier. This man was the worrisome kind, the kind that had taken so many human lives that normal human morals are vastly distant or simply non-existent. Clock knew that this might not go smoothly, but other people relied on him. Hannah and Oz weren't combat trained at all. Oz now understanding what this Man, this One, now wanted, he clicks a few buttons on the Tech-Man on his side and the same liquid which covered the Sphere slowly concealed the Tech-Man.

"We're going to the Zoo, want to join us?" Clock says sarcastically

"Amusing" One said with a small chuckle "I will get my answers, one way or another"

Clock frowned, his suspicions were confirmed. This Man had decided that now, in this secluded area, would be the best time and place to capture the team. For what, he did not know, other than to find out what other kind of technology they had. Clock still wondered what a man and organisation like this was doing here in 1912, but that was another hurdle for another time.

"I see you like technology, take this weapon, a Class 9 Solar-Core Blaster" Clock says

"Clock what are you doing?" Hannah asked, now close, and holding his sleeve

Clock flicked a dial on the side of the gun and pressed it in, the humming began to grow in frequency.

"You see, this gun requires no ammo, it feeds off the sun's rays and allows me to shoot a type of force energy. But when the polarity of the weapon is reversed, it can be used for something quite different" Clock says with a smile

"Go on" One says

"A Flash Bang!" Clock shouts as he throws his weapon into the air, Moments before a loud burst, Clock opens his Coat and launches it into the air, hiding the blast from the team's eyes. As the coat lands back in Clocks arms he grabs his now silent weapon from the ground and the team run out of the alley, leaving One there with his face in his hands. Clock knowing that it was a possibility they knew the direction they were heading in, decided to change course and run in a different direction with the team. In mere moments, the team were gone.

One stood still in the Alley way, still rubbing his eyes. A slender woman with long blonde hair, wearing a similar suit to One approached him from the back of the Alley. She handed him a small device. He held it up close to his face, due to the damage to his eyes and read the information.

"Man, between 30-40 years old, clearly heavily combat trained and wielding advanced weaponry. They called him, James" She said

"Any known associates, Three?" One asked

"As far as The Organisation is concerned, they don't exist" The woman, apparently named Three says

"Hmm. Find them, they believe we have stripped their vessel, but we need them to tell us how to open it"

"Of course, Superior"

"I think The Organisation will want a word with this, James..."

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