Chapter 10

190 9 1

1 Month Later


So It's been a month since we came back together and as time progressed I noticed a different vibe between Briella and Rashad. De' even noticed it too. I just hope that nothing is going on between them because that would be bogus if Bri and Rashad have something between them know how De' feels about him. Also, I don't want nothing to happen to this group if something happens between them. 

You know what....I'm tripping. Ain't shit going on between them they just having an even better relationship than before. 


Man, a lot happened in the mist of the past few weeks between Briella and I. I know it's wrong, but I think I'm starting to like Bri. After the situation we had last week, I've been thinking about her alot, been touching her a lot. I don't wanna do shit but be around her. I know it's wrong to like the girl who has a crush on me cousin but shit. She just gon have to get over it. I mean seriously, since the 8th grade I've been turning her down. What don't you understand about, De' I only see you as a sister. If Bri told me this, I would have instantly given up. I know I sound like a jerk, but it just frustrates me to know that she could be the reason of us never getting together. 

"Hey Rashad" De' said coming in to work. "Wassup" I said as I worked on inventory for Harold's. "So what do we have so far?" "We got all the meat except for the rib tips. Also, we need the potatoes for the fries and the ingredients for the sauce. Here come the boxes of the coleslaw." I said as the men came in with boxes. "Okay, so we have to wait until they finish putting the food in here then we can stock up the food?" She said looking at me. "Yea.." "Cool" She said walking away. 

Two hours after they finished putting the food in, De'arra and I started stocking up the food in silence. Which is weird because normally we have some good ass conversations while stocking up so time could go by fast. But today, she just been acting like she don't want to be around me. 

"De!!!" I yelled because she was in the back. "Wassup!" She called back. "Come you come up here? I need a little bit of help" "I actually can't...I am swamped with a lot of shit back here." See, here she go trying to avoid me...she would normally drop everything when it comes to me. "Please, Dearra" I whined. 

As soon as I heard her put something down, I smirked because I knew she was coming to the front to help me. "What you need help with, Shad?" "I need to know why you are avoiding me "I said with a serious tone. "I'm not avoiding you...I'm just tryna' hurry up and get this shit done so I can go home and get in my bed." She said with a attitude. "You must be on yo period" I said jokingly. "What the fuck, Rashad" She said trying to walk away from me but I pulled her back. "I'm sorry, but I'm deadass wassup with you?" "Why you worried about me? Shouldn't you be worried about Briella?" She said with a hint of jealousy. "Why you asked that?" "I mean y'all muhfuckas be hanging around each other, on the phone all night and shit. So B' and I think something  going on between y'all" She said nonchalantly. "Well, shit I should be saying the same about you and Brandon if that's the case." "Nigga, bye. That's my brother." "And that's my sister" I argued. "Yea, ok. But for real what you need help with?" "Nothing....I just wanted to talk to you. How did you get here?" "The bus" "Need a ride?" "Yea. Sure" She said as she walked away. 

After a long dreadful day, we finally finished with the inventory and we left. On the way going to her house, we went to McDonald's and got us something to eat because muhfuckas was starving like Marvin, and that can be merched. I pulled up to her house and watched her get out the car. 

"Thanks for the ride" She said getting out. "No problem"I said watching her. "You wanna come inside or you good." She asked politely.  "I'm good, I gotta stop by Bri's anyw-" "As always" She said with an attitude. "Yo, what's yo problem?" I asked confused. "You and Briella are my problem" "Wha-how?" I was totally confused. "Because I find both of y'all bogus as hell. I find Briella bogus as hell because she knows exactly  how I feel about you and she's my cousin. And I most definitely find YOU bogus as FUCK because you know how I feel about you and you gon' go on and try to fuck with my cousin who is basically my damn sister. That's some fake shit. And that's merched." She ranted. "Woah,woah,woah....who said we were together" "It's obvious." "Well, that's not the case." I argued. "Oh, rea-" "Yea, really. And why the fuck does it matter to you? I told you already, I only see you as my sister and only that. What don't you get about that? If I had a crush on you and you tell me you don't see me that way....I would get over you inna heartbeat and move on to the next. That's what you need to do, deadass. I don't see you in that way. I don't think I will ever see you in that way." "Do you know why I never stopped liking you?" She said with tears in her eyes. "No...why?" "Because eventhough, you may seem tough and shit to everyone else. I know deep down inside, you are a sweetheart to the people that you love. I somewhat have that from you in a "sisterly" way but I wanted more than that from you. I always thought we were made for eachother because we're just alike...but like magnets two things that are the same don't connect but people who are different does......I know you Rashad and I know Briella. I'm not dumb, I know it's something going on between you two, but like you said I shouldn't give a I won't. I'll just back up from you two to cease the pain. Bye Rashad" She said going into her house 

Damn,I just lost the person who cared about me the most. 

"FUCK" I said as I slammed my hand into the steering wheel. 

I didn't mean to hurt her......

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