Chapter 17

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Today is the day that we talk this situation out because it is sad that we allowed this little thing to break us up and affect us the way it did. I'm waiting on Shad to pick me up so we can go to Bri and De's house for the meeting. I can't wait until I get my car, I'm tired of depending on people for lifts.

"Ight ma, I'm gone" I said as I seen Shad pull up.

"Ok baby" She yelled from the kitchen as I closed the door.

I walked to his car getting excited thinking about us finally getting back together as group.

"Wassup Shad" I said as I got in the car giving him a handshake.

"Wassup B" He greeted back, "Before we get there I just wanna say that I'm sorry for the split between us bro. I'm not talking about the group right now, I'm talking but US, you're my brother and I caused us to split apart because of my selfish ways" He said glancing at me while he pulls off.

"Aye, man....It's cool bro. We all good. Brothers fight and always come back together because of the love they have for each other"

" right"

"But I missed telling you about all of the pussy I've been getting, man" I said feeling like accomplished something.

"Nigga YOU?!" He yelled, "I've been having hella females asking me to fuck and I be like nah, you know outta respect for Bri, and they'll be like 'well can I atleast suck yo dick' like damn these females don't care I see"He laughed.

"Shid they never cared" I laughed.

"They better start before they catch something"

"I know you not talking" I said looking at him in shock

"What you mean?" He asked confused.

"How many bodies you got Shad?"

He looked salty for a second then covered it up..

"That don't matt-"

"Nigga how many?" I laughed

"19.5"He mumbled.

"How many?" I said putting my hand behind my ear.

"19.5 nigga" He said annoyed.

"How the fuck you gotta .5?"

"Long story"He laughed.

"Sad"I said shaking my head.

"U can't say shit"


"Nigga you not the far behind me"

"Yea but one, I don't have as many as you and two, I don't have no damn .5" I said laughing.

"Fuck you bro" He said as he pulled up to the girls' house.

I laughed as he parked. I got the car and walked to the door with him behind me. I rang the doorbell and waited a few seconds before Bri came to the door.

"Hey guys" She said nervously letting us in.

"Hey Bri" I said.

"Wassup" Rashad said.

"Where De'?" I asked curious.

"In her room"

"I'm about to get her" I said as I walked up the stairs.


"Shad, I want to apologize for the way I've been treating you" Bri blurted out.

"It's nothing Bri"

"Yes, it is Shad. It is something...I've been treating you wrong as if you were the main person who cause our group to be like this and you wasn't. We both share the blame, not just you. I tried to convince myself that it wasn't my fault but the truth is some of it was. I knew that my cousin had a crush on you and I still decided to flirt with you. That was wrong and because of that we started to develop feelings for each other and make this big ass mess that shouldn't have been made. I'm sorry Shad and I want you to come back and be my best friend again. I'm depressed because of me losing my two best friends and my cousin."

"Bri, you never lost me as your best friend. I just gave you space because I felt that you needed it. If you had lost me, I wouldn't have checked up you like I did last week."

She smiled and came over and hugged me.

"I love you Shady" She joked.

"I love you too Bri" I said laughing.

When we released each other, De' and Brandon came down the stairs.

"Hey De'" I greeted as she came down the stairs. She just nodded her head then Brandon nudged her.

"Hey Rashad" She said rolling her eyes as she sat down.

"Ok well, now that we're all here together. We're getting ready to squash this beef that we have with each other. Bri and I are good and Rashad and I are good. Rashad...U and Bri good?" Brandon asked.

"Yea" I said looking at Bri.

Then I heard De'Anna mumble.

"What De'?" Brandon asked.

"Nothing"She shrugged.

"Well, now its time for you De'. You need to try to mend these broken relationships."

"What you mean I need to try to mend these broken relationships?" She quickly asked.

"Just what I said" Brandon retorted.

"Correction. THEY need to try to mend these broken relationships. I wasn't the one who was dating Rashad's cousin behind his back. I wasn't the one who dated the person MY COUSIN had feelings for BEHIND her back! Did I? No!" She yelled looking at us.

Bri sat with her head down and I looked at De' with so much guilt.

"De' I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I'm sorry for the conversation we had in the car on inventory day. I'm sorry for dating Bri while knowing how you felt about me. I hope that you are willing to forgive me. It doesn't have to be now but I hope you will soon." I said sincerely looking into her eyes.

She looked down at her feet and looked back up at me like she wanted cry for a second but soon sucked it up and had a poker face.

"I think I can forgive you"She sighed.

"Thank you. Can I hug you?"

"Yeah" She said with her arms open.

I came with mine opened as well and hugged her tight. She hugged me but it felt like she was a little hesitant with it. A few seconds later, we released each other and sat down waiting for Bri.

"De' you're not my cousin,you're my sister. I know you're probably thinking how the fuck can I say you're my sister after what happened but I didn't realize how our relationship is so much like sisters until we broke up. I know everything I did was wrong but I was heartbroken when you stopped talking to me. That's why I've been the way I've been because I feel so empty with out you. I know it'll be a long time before you forgive me but I hope you will." She said sincerely.

"Briella,it will take a while but I'm willing to try"


"Nice to see that we're going to work everything out" Brandon said with happiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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