Chapter 15

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All day today, I've been thinking about Bri. I just feel so bad because she's sitting at lunch by herself all alone talking to nobody. I wanted to talk to her but De' was being stubborn telling me I should let her feel depressed. I don't want to let her feel depressed because at the end of the day, she's still my best friend and I love her. Maybe I should text her and check up on her...

 Maybe I should text her and check up on her

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I hope she opens up and talk to me because I don't like seeing her like this

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I hope she opens up and talk to me because I don't like seeing her like this.


I just mad it to Brandon's house and we're walking up to his room. Once we made it to his room, he shut the door and sat on his bed while I stood by his desk looking around his room feeling awkward.

"Why you actin' like you never been to my house before? Sit down." He said chuckling.

"It's just been a while" I said looking down.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" He asked looking confused.

"Doing what to myself?"

Making yourself depressed"

"How can I make myself depressed" I asked confused.

"By acting like your world is crashing down"

"But it is" I mumbled looking away.

"But it's not" He mocked.

"And how do you know Brandon?! You and De'Anna don't talk to me anymore, so you don't know shit about what I'm feeling?" I said catching an attitude.

"Just because we're not talking right now doesn't mean I don't know you anymore. And besides it's your fault that we're not talking..."

"How?! It had nothing to do with you" I yelled.

"Anything dealing with my best friends hurting and lying to each other includes me as well. Period!" He retorted.

"I didn't think I was going to come here to argue over that." I said getting up going towards the door.

"Wait" He called out.

"What" I said turning back around.

"Sit back down....I'm sorry" He said.

I went and sat back down by the desk and looking at him with an attitude still on my face.

"I didn't ask you to come over to argue...I actually wanted to check up on you to see if you were okay because everyday I hate seeing you sitting alone at a lunch table being depressed. That's not like you. Normally, you come to school with a big smile on your face"

"Well, I have nothing to smile about.." I said looking around.

I heard him move from his bed and go to a chair that's close to where I'm sitting. He grabs my chin and move it towards his face.

"Stop it. I'm tired of you going around looking like a lost puppy. This is not who you are." He said sincerely looking into my eyes.

"But Brandon, I lost myself when I lost you and De'" I said as tears started to form.

"Hey, I'm back now," He said pulling me into a hug as I silently cry on his chest,"Look, I know that you're hurting because of De' and I will talk to her and try to convince her to hear you out."

"Thanks Brandon" I sniffled.

"Hey, It's Brandy" He said as we both burst into laughter.

"Ok, I'm sorry Brandy "I said chuckling.

"So...what happened between you and Shad?"

"I told him that I wanted space"


"Because I'm trying to stop myself from liking him as a boyfriend."



We sat in silence for a little while, still holding each other.

"I miss us" I said feeling guilty.

"Yeah, I do too"

"I wish I didn't ruin our group" I said looking down.

"Well, all I can say is that I forgive you and I'm over it." He said sincerely.

"Thanks" I said with a small smile, "Well it's time for me to go on home" I said getting up.

"Yeah...Thanks for coming over." Brandon said as we walked out of his room.

"Thanks for inviting me. I really needed to release that." I said as we reached the front door.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow. Text me when you get home" He said as he gave me a hug.

"Sure thing" I said as I walked out of the house.

Hopefully everything works out.

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