Why Should I?

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Ugh. It's morning and I don't want to be at school. Jack has come up to me numerous times asking me if he can talk with me. All of the times I shut him down, but now I'm wondering if I regret those decisions. I'm walking to my locker when someone trips me and I fall flat on my face. Laughter erupts and I slowly get up, picking my books up with me.

I wish this was my life, I fall in life but I pick myself back up again.

I'm about to put away my books when a hand presses down on my locker.

"Touch my locker one more time, and I-" I'm cut off and pushed into a janitors closet.

"What the he-" Jack pushes my lips closed and looks at me.

A/N, I was not going to put a bad word there, it was going to be heck.

As soon as he lets go of my lips I yell at him.


"I want to talk to you," he says.

"Well I'm not listening," I stubbornly reply.

"Okay, well I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, and that my mother lost her job yesterday and I was upset, that's why I was nasty to you," he explained.

"Please forgive me, give me another chance," he pleads.

"Tell me Jack, why should I forgive you?" I ask.

"Because I'm giving you the reason why I was ignorant to you yesterday," he said.

"I did things I didn't mean to do," he cried.

"Will you forgive me?" he asked with tears pouring out of his eyes.

Should I?
Hi lovelies! I know, I know, you guys are probably screaming right now at me. I'm sorry, but this is an important chapter that will effect the outcome of the story, so I need to make the next chapter super long.

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