The Cut

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Mckayla's Point Of View:

"Jack!" I yell down the hall.

He turns around and looks at me, walking over. Once he gets to me I grab his arm and pull him into The Talk Room.

"What's the matter, Mckayla?" he asks, worried.

"Look," I say, voice breaking.

I show him the side of my stomach and the deep cut.

"George was throwing rocks at me yesterday when I was walking home and one hurt really bad but I didn't know this is what it would do!" I cry.

"Mckayla, crud, I have to tell someone!" he yells.

"Jack, you can't," I say. "That's the point of The Talk Room, what is said never comes out."

"But this is serious Mckayla," he started. "I want to make sure you're okay."

"I'll be fine, just don't tell anyone," I say pushing past him walking out the door.

Jack's Point Of View:

I'm walking to Spanish when I hear my name being called. I turn around to see Mckayla waving down the hall. I start off towards her, speeding up when I'm halfway. I finally get to her and she pulls me into The Talk Room.

"What's the matter Mckayla?" I ask, worried.

"Look," she says, her voice breaking.

She shows me a large gash on her side.

"George was throwing rocks at me when I was walking home and one hurt really bad but I didn't think this is what it would do!" she cried.

"Mckayla, crud, I have to tell someone!" I yell.

"Jack, you can't," she says. "That's the point of The Talk Room, what is said never comes out."

"But this is serious Mckayla," I start. "I just want to make sure you're okay."

"I'll be fine, don't tell anyone," she says, pushing past me as she walks out the door.

I have to help her, and sitting around doing nothing won't help. I'm telling the principal, he will know what to do.
Hi lovelies! I hope you like this chapter! Would you have listened to Mckayla and kept it a secret? I would have told, just to make sure she's safe.

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