Principal D.

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Jack's Point Of View:
I have to tell someone about Mckayla's cut from George. Principal D! He will know what to do.

As I'm walking to the office my heart races.

What if Mckayla gets mad at me? She wouldn't, you're doing this for her.

By the time my thoughts are done tumbling around in my head I'm at the office. I slowly bring my hand up into a fist and knock.

"Come in," says a deep but kind voice.

I open the door to see a middle aged man with a bright smile and twinkling eyes.

"Ahhh, Jack, what brings you here today?" he asks.

"Mckayla McAllister has gotten a large gash on the side of her stomach from George Harrison throwing rocks at her," I say calmly.

"Mckayla?" he asks.

"Yeah, she um, she gets bullied by kids here at school an-" I'm cut off.

"Bullied?" he asks, voice rising. "Mckayla is being bullied?"

"Ye-"  I'm cut off again.

"I'm calling her up here," he states, grabbing the office phone.

Long silence.

"I'm yes, may Mckayla McAllister please come to the office?" he asks.

"Oh, she's taking a test?" he says, voice filled with sarcasm. "Send her up!"

He hangs up the phone and stares at me. I start to speak but he hushes me. Then I hear the door open and in walks a terrified looking Mckayla.

"Come in, Mckayla you're not in trouble," Principal D says.

She looks at me and mouths you told? I nod but say nothing.

"Mckayla, is it true you've been bullied by kids that attend this school?" he asks sternly.

"Umm, umm y-yeah?" she half answers him half asks.

"Are you telling me or are you asking me?" he ask, chuckling.

"Telling," she states.

"Jack, has anyone stood up for her?" he questions.

"Um yes sure, I have," I say quickly.

"You have," he mumbles.

"Well Mckayla, I think I will have to chat with George Harrison and tell him that bullying and throwing rocks at other students is unacceptable," he says kindly.

"Jack, thank you for telling me, I don't think she would have herself," he whispers in my ear.

"She didn't want me to tell, but I figured I would tell you," I whisper back.

He gives me a small wink before ushering Mckayla and me out of the office.

"I can't believe you told!" Mckayla yells as soon as the door shuts.

"I had to tell someone and I figured Principal D could make things better for you!" I argue.

"Well Jack, it didn't do anything but make the situation worse," she spits.

"Mck-" I start.

"Don't bother, I'm done with you, Jack," she says walking back to class.

What have I done? I've broken her more. I lost her trust once again.

With my back sliding down the wall I start to cry, knowing I've really done it this time.
Hi lovelies! Wow! Three updates in one day, now that's a bargain. Hope you enjoyed!

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