27: Rylyn🐝🙈

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Part 2 of Chapter 26, if you haven't read it, go back so that this will make since.

Brooklyn's POV

We sat on the bathroom floor, while Jack and Mikey talked with the police, explaining everything in the living room, while I sobbed against Rye.

His hand running down my back, in a protective manner. My face ached and it was sure to bruise, but this wasn't the only one that'll be decorating my body.

"You were right, Rye." I mumbled, as I slipped out of headspace. Rye sat up slightly, and stared at me.

"Brooklyn, I know you have been through alot today, but I would love to be your daddy. I won't let anything, or anyone hurt you. If I was here when he started, I would've took the punches. He doesn't deserve your kindness, your cuteness, nothing he deserves nothing-" Rye said, staring into my eyes, his words loud, but true. I smashed my lips against his, stopping his rant.

"Yes, you can be my dom, Rye." I mumble, pulling his up, leading him to my bed. He laid down, and I laid on top of him, listening to his breathing.

"You're my baby, my little one. I'll take care of you Brook, I promise." Rye murmured, massaging my head.

Yawning, Rye smirked with victory, as I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

*Them skip to morning🙈🐝*

I woke, my body no longer against Rye's, but against the bed. Sitting up, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. Rye no where to be seen.

"You're up, Kitten? I made breakfast, get dressed, we have things to do." Rye said, peering into the room.

"Kay, daddy." I blushed at the nickname, and stood up, stretching a bit.

Slipping on Rye's jumper and some joggers, I left the Jacklyn room, and found Rye chatting with Andy, who was explaining why Harvey was in trouble.

"He got into his snacks without asking, and wouldn't give me his phone, when I told him to, so he's in trouble." Andy vented, smiling when he seen me, making Rye look at me.

"Hey, go eat then we can go." He muttered, rubbing my back, before giving me a slight push in the direction of the kitchen.

"I'm gonna spoil the hell outta you." He mumbled against my next before letting me leave. I gave a small, and nodded.


ust a quick part two for 26. This sucks really bad, so I might do a remake.

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