Chapter 1

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I am a 16 year old girl and I knew I was different. I knew I did not belong. I felt left out. Confused to say the least. But I did not know why I felt this way. I was lonely and there was no one to tell me everything is going to be alright. My name is Y/N and this is my story.
My alarm went off every morning at 4:00 am. I get up,realising that I have to go to the best place IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.*hint of sarcasm* I would never be happy to go to that hell hole. You see,I get bullied by the biggest slut in the school,Stacey Frothman.(Sorry if you name is Stacey). Everyday she has something to say about me. I start getting ready for school. I put on a black crop top, a checked skirt and a nice pair of boots to go with it. I put my hair in a messy bun and put my nerdy glasses on. I forgot to tell you one thing, I live in a foster home and the people who work in the foster home do not like me. Once I was done getting ready for school, I woke up the other children and told them to get ready for school. Out of all the other children, my favourite is Malia Jackson. She is a beautiful 5 year old - she has caring,bright blue eyes, curly ombre hair and the cutest smiley face you will ever see. She is like my little baby sister. She asked me, "Why must I go to school?" I just giggled,"Because you have to. You need to get out of this hell hole every once and a while, if not everyday." "Plus you have to socialize." She looked at me and asked," What am I doing now then?" I looked at her and said," You are such a smart 5 year old" She then told me, "I learnt from the best" I just about to reply when I heard me phone go off.
Shawn Muffinman😘: Hey bae😊
Y/N: Hey Muffinman what's up?
Shawn Muffinman😘: Nm. Just missing you
Y/N: AWWWWW😘😘😘 miss you too.
Shawn Muffinman😘: Can't wait to see you at school to give you a present.
Y/N: A present?????
Shawn Muffinman😘: Yep. A present for my bae😊
Y/N: What is it???
Shawn Muffinman: You will have to wait and see
As you can see, Shawn is my boyfriend. He is the captain of the hockey and Basketball team. Cliché right? A jock and a nerd dating? Like one of these chick flicks.

I am on my way to school. Midtown High. I see Peter Parker. He and his friends,Ned and Michelle were talking and looking in my direction. I do not know why they were looking at me but I did what Elsa told me and let it go. As I walked toward school building, I heard a commotion. My heart told me I should not go but my gut told me I should. I walked toward the commotion and I saw Shawn...
This is my first wattpad book and I hope you guys like it~ ♡ Caity

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