Chapter 21

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Previously on ' Catch me if you can'
We were about to fight Magneto when Miss Grey entered the room."Sorry Erik, but you are not hurting my nieces today." What the hell?! Y/n looked confused, well Y/n and Talia. "Ah Jean. Nice to see you after...10 years." Wait, She knows this jackass? "Cut the crap Erik. What do you want?" "You know what I want. She's or they're standing right there." He said gesturing to Y/n and Talia. I looked at Y/n worried. Why does this always happen to her? She deserves better. And that's when the battle began. Miss Grey told the first shot and Steve threw his shield at Magneto, which might I said was a bad idea. Magneto catches it with ease and throws it at Steve, knocking his wind out. Miss Grey was thrown to the ground. Bucky was getting ready to attack but he was thrown to the ground before he could even attack. Sam took his gun out and began shooting, which might I say was another bad idea. Magneto sent the bullets back in Sam's direction, but lucky for him, I got him out of the way. But how I got him out of the way was very painful. For him. I kicked him. In the face. "Sorry Sam." He just glared at me. Wanda, Vision and Nat tried but failed. It was up to me to protect my girl. I flung myself at Magneto but he grabbed me by the neck. Y/n saw what happened and basically 'flamed on'. That was all I remembered before I blacked out.

Peter's POV
I woke up in the infirmary, head throbbing of pain. I looked my left to see Tony sleeping in the chair next to the bed. "Tony?" By the sound of his name, Tony jolts out his seat, looking to found the person who said his name. "You're finally awake." Tony said. "I was worried for a bit. I'm just glad that you're okay." He said with a sad smile. "How long was I out? Where's my angel?" I said in a excited tone. Just the thought of Y/n's beautiful face, made me smile. She was my safe haven.

Tony looked at the boy with sad eyes. "You've been out for two weeks Pete. And Y/n...she... She was kidnapped." Peter couldn't believe what was said to him. He was shocked. Speechless. "W-w-hat?" Was all the boy could say.

3rd person's POV

Tony felt helpless. The boy he considered his son was in pain and he couldn't do anything to make the pain go away. He has been searching for the girls, in hopes to find them before Peter woke up. He hoped to find his daughter and her biological sister. To be honest, he had a soft spot for the (h/c) haired girl. She always made his day when Peter wasn't there. He guessed it was because the girl was a lot like Peter. Smart, stubborn and always willing to do the right thing.

"This is all my fault. I should have protected her. I should have stopped Magneto. I should have-" the brunette boy was cut off by a sob that caught his throat. Tony almost immediately wrapped his arms around Peter and Peter sobbed in his father figure's chest. "It's not your fault. You did what you could. You couldn't have stopped Magneto on your own. We are going to find her and Talia. I have F.R.I.D.A.Y searching for any signs of them. Looking for active Hydra bases. This is not just your fight and we have all the help we can get. So don't blame yourself Pete."

The boy looked up at his mentor, about to say something, when Steve walked in. "You're finally awake Peter. It's nice having you back." Steve said with a small smile. Peter nodded in a polite manner. Tony then walked up to the chair next to the one he sat on and picked up a pile of clothing that consisted of: a white Thrasher hoodie, a pair of black ripped jeans, a denim jacket, and a pair of black Vans. "Change into this and head to the meeting room." The boy was about to ask why he had to change when he realised that he was in a hospital gown. Tony and Steve exited the room to give the brunette some privacy. While getting dressed, the boy thought of his girlfriend and started sobbing again. "If only I didn't pass out..."

After changing, the Webster went to the meeting room, where everyone was. The boy noticed Steve and took in the man's appearance. He was taken back. The man's eyes were bloodshot, his face: tear stained. His hair was unruly and his beard was not maintained. The blond had seemed to put on a bit of weight, but not as much as Thor. The boy then noticed Thor's appearance. The God of Thunder looked completely different. His hair was long, almost in the middle of his back. His beard was long, very long. The way his stomach was made him look like a pregnant man. The boy couldn't see the man's eyes, see as it was covered by a pair of sunglasses. The way the clothing sat on the beer belly man was shocking. At least to the boy. The boy understood why the man was like that. He lost his mother, brother, father, his best friends and now his daughters are missing. The boy pitied the man. Peter then saw little Malia in the corner on a chair, crying a bit. Pete walked up to the blue eyed 5 year old and hugged her. He then picked her up, sat down on her chair and put her on his lap. The girl then laid her head on the Webster's chest. The room and weather seemed to correspond with everyone's moods. Tony, Steve and Thor tried coming up with ideas where the girls could be when suddenly someone bursts through the door and yells, "What if her mother has her?"

Catch Me If You Can(Peter Parker X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant