Chapter 16

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Previously on 'Catch me if you can'
Nat and I were chat it the elevator when F.R.I.D.A.Y told me that Steve was looking for me in my room. I thanked F.R.I.D.A.Y and got off the elevator and proceeded to my room. When I got there, my room door was open. I went in room and saw....
Peter Benjamin Parker!!! He wasn't supposed to be back until next week. He stood with a bouquet of black roses. I felt a tear fall. Peter put the roses on my bed. I jumped on Peter and put my head in the crook of his neck. I cried and mumbled, "I missed you Pete." After that, I let go of Peter. He gave me a gentle kiss and gave me the roses. "These are beautiful. Thanks Pete." "You're welcome sweetheart. You look cute by the way." And I giggled. I put the roses on my pedestal and ask Pete if he wanted to watch Star Wars and he of course yes. I put the movie on and we cuddled. Pete kissed my forehead and whispered a soft ' I love you y/n'

The sun was shine. The birds were chirping, but I was moody. It's happening today. Today's the day. The day I go back to hell. My alarm went off and I groaned loudly.My outfit was on my bed and I took a long shower. I came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my hair. I took the towel off my and started getting dressed. I put on a pair of ripped jeans, my converse and my Led Zepplin t-shirt. My hair is two space buns with two dutch braids at the back. I recently dyed my hair back to it's original colour.


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I grabbed my bag and skateboard and went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple

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I grabbed my bag and skateboard and went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I went down to Tony's lab. I saw Malia, Talia and Tony doing little experiments in the lab. I smiled. I had always wanted that. A family. When I found out that Thor was my father and that witch ass bitch was mother I broke in to gazillion pieces. But then I found Steve, Talia, Malia, Bucky, Sam, Tony, Nat, Bruce, Clint and... Peter and I was over the moon. Peter. The name of a person who is first on my mind in the morning when I get up and last on my mind when I go to sleep. The one who brings a smile on my face just thinking about him. Last night he had to go back home because May was worried sick. But I was okay with it, even though I didn't want him to go.

I walked into the lab and Talia greeted me. "Good morning Sunshine." She said with a bright smile. "Morning and how in Chuck's name are you up so early?" "Steve is taking me out for breakfast. He just went for his morning run. He said he wants to see his daughter before she goes back to school." "You mean back to hell. Where Luci and his minions can try and irritate the shit out of me." She just laughed it off. Just then Steve walked in and kissed Talia's cheek. "Eww." Malia shouted out."You got that right." I said giggling. Tony, Talia and Steve laughed. "Well I got to go. See you guys later and Talia, I want all the details. Love you guys." I said leaving the lab. I walked to the elevator when Buck walked up to me. "Hey Y/n/n, ready for school- let me rephrase that, hell?" "You know me so well. Yep, I am sadly ready for hell." "Good luck y/n/n." "Thank you uncle Buck." I said with a smile, in which uncle Buck returned. When exiting the building, I saw Happy waiting for me. "Hey Happy. I was thinking of going with my skateboard to school, since it's not too far. Plus you need the rest." Happy smiled. "Thanks kid." And Happy was off running errands for Tony. And I was off to school.

Peter's POV
She's coming back. The love of my life is going to be with me, everyday. I got to school as far as I can with the biggest smile on my face. Ned and MJ looked at me weirdly. "What's up Pete? You've been acting weird all morning. What's going on?" "She's coming." "Whose coming Pete?" "Y/n" "Y/n? As in the girl who left? As in your crush?" "Yes. She is my girlfriend." MJ burst out laughing. "You have a girlfriend, loser?" "Yes and here she comes." To say Ned and MJ were shocked to see Y/n was an understatement. She looks way different from the way she looked a few months ago. She look hotter, not that she wasn't hot before, she has always been hot. She is just- you know what I mean. "Y/n!" I shouted out her name and she turned to look at me. She ran to me and jumped on me, wrapping her legs around my waist. Her head was in the crook of my neck. I just wanted to stay like that, with her in my arms. After what felt like forever, which was actually a few seconds, Y/n unwrapped her legs. When jumping off of me, she gave me a peck on the lips. Ned and MJ were even more shocked, but shrugged it off. The bell rang and we went inside of the building. I walked with Y/n to the office to fetch her schedule. First on her schedule was AP Bio, which I had too. As we entered the classroom, we noticed that the teacher was not here. I sat down and Y/n noticed that there was an empty chair next to me. Just then the principal walked in.

Y/n's POV
"Mr Geller will not be returning to Midtown Tech and we have a teacher to replace him. Please enter ma'am." A lady with red hair, a pair of black frame glasses, green eyes and a smile that belongs in a toothpaste ad. She seemed familiar. "Good morning class. My name is Miss Grey and I will be your new AP Bio teacher."

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