Chapter 18

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Previously on 'Catch me if you can'
Unknown's POV
I walked down the school hallway and noticed a girl that I haven't seen in 5 months. She was such a pain in my ass. The bitch should have stayed away. All of a sudden, my phone started ringing. Looking at the number, I answered my phone.
'Как проходит миссия?'
'Она вернулась'
'Просто избавьтесь от ребенка Паркер, и она рухнет'
'да сэр'
And with that the phone call ended. This is going to be fun.

Y/n's POV
*At Lunch*
I was sitting with Peter, Ned and MJ, laughing at MJ's sarcasm. I was having so much fun. I was finally happy. Until, someone dumped their food on my head. I was pissed. Peter looked at me with eyes that said don't turn around. I cleaned my hair and turned around. And it was a familiar face I didn't miss one bit.
Stacey Frothman. Didn't expect to see that bitch again. "Oops, sorry didn't see you there." She said laced with sarcasm. "I wonder why? Does your fake ass need help seeing? Because I would gladly make your eyesight worse." I asked. "Please, I know you want to be like me." She said. "Bitch please, I don't want to get knocked by a bus." I said. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked. " Your fake ass don't know who Regina George is? Is she like a role model for girls like you?" I asked. "Oh I know who she is. By the way, stop pretending to be me."  She said. "Please, why would I want to be a fake ass plastic figure?" And with that she scoffed and walked away. And when I thought things couldn't get worse it did. The school was attack. All the people in the cafeteria fell to the ground, including our group. A group of people with Hydra uniform entered the school. "Where is Y/n Rogers?" I slowly stood up. "You have to come with me." A man with a mask covering his face said. "Well, I'm sorry, but Midtown Tech is closed today." I said. As I said that, I gestured for Peter to get all the students out of the cafeteria. With a small nod from Peter, I used my telekinesis and took the Hydra agents out so that Peter, with the help of Ned and MJ, could get everyone out. I made a force field around the door to give them more time. It didn't last long, but long enough to get everyone out. Once everyone was out, I started putting the training sessions I had with Nat and Wanda to use. I kicked each and every one of their asses. Then someone through me against the wall with telekinesis. And that person was the bitch that thinks she's Regina George. She looked at me, and at that moment she knew, she fucked up.

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