Chapter 11

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A/N: I'm constantly blown away by all the love that this story is getting.  Thank you all so much!  This chapter most definitely earns its "R" rating.  You have been warned so no getting upset with me.


"My test of a good novel is dreading to begin the last chapter." ~Thomas Helm



"Edward?" she purred.


"I want you," she whispered into my ear, before nibbling on it.

I rolled over, cradling myself between her thighs and gazed deep into her eyes before crushing my lips against hers. She let out a throaty moan, her hands tugging the strands of my hair. Bracing myself on one hand, I ran the other down her side, giving her hip a gentle squeeze, before running back up and across her chest. Pulling my lips away from hers, I pressed a kiss over her heart before telling her, "I love you."

"I love you, too," she whispered before pressing her lips to mine again.

Our tongues dueled together, each seeking dominance. My hand made its way to her breast, cupping it and giving it a gentle squeeze as I moaned out her name and thrust gently against her.

"My beautiful tattooed angel," I told her, and then she started giggling.

Why was she giggling?

I had woken up and found myself pressed up against Bella with my hand on her breast. I had been mortified! She must have htought I was nothing more than a rutting animal. Quickly, I had jerked my hand away, stumbling over my apology. She'd told me it was no big deal but that hadn't eased my embarrassment.  I'd relaxed a bit when she curled up next to me and let myself enjoy the feeling of her body next to mine.

"Did you have a nice dream?" she'd asked.

I'd felt myself flush.  "Uh ... I guess.  Why?"

"Oh, no reason. You just seemed quite happy to see me this morning."

She'd then settled her gaze on my groin which had caused me to immediately cover myself which set her off into a fit of giggles. After her giggles had died down, we'd talked a bit, then eaten breakfast.

All too soon, Mark had arrived and we'd headed over to look at her house. Mom was there and took control of everything. She was good at doing that.  

After Mark had left, Bella and I went to Port Angeles and had another date. I loved spending time with her and was thrilled that she wanted to be with me. We'd ended up going to the movies, and I could honestly say that it was an experience. I'd never made out in the back row of a theater before, and I'd greatly enjoyed the experience. Being with Bella made me a bit more confident in who I was.


Monday was definitely a Monday. I'd forgotten to set the alarm, and Bella and I woke up in a rush. Mom arrived to drive Bella to work, something I was extremely grateful for as was Bella. I didn't have time to walk to work, so I hopped into my Volvo and headed toward the library.

"Hello, Edward," Mrs. Cope said when I walked in the door.

"Hello, Mrs. Cope."

"How is Bella holding up?"

The joys of life in a small town. I was fairly confident that Mrs. Cope didn't even know Bella, but she obviously knew what had happened.

"She's fine. A bit shaken up."

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