Chapter 23

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A/N: You guys are the best! I love getting your reviews. So this chapter has some info and some drama.  By the way, all my crime speak in here is going off of crime shows that I've watched, and I'm sure I embellished some. Of course I did. So, don't yell at me if it's wrong. BTW, I had to redo this chapter because I wrote the first 6 pages from BPOV before I realized it was Edward's turn. He was not happy with me. As a result, he wanted to play some D&D (Dungeons and Dragons for those that don't know). Are you ready to get your nerd on?


"A room without books is like a body without a soul."~ Cicero



Last week had been interesting to say the least. I'd had my job interview on Wednesday with Jared and Paul and surprisingly it had gone well. I'd been so nervous, and I was sure that they could tell.

"So, Edward. Why do you want to work in a comic book store?" Jared had asked me.

And in true Edward Cullen fashion I blurted out, "Because I'm a nerd."

Yeah. Not one of my finer moments. I dropped my head into my hands to hide my face and the blush that had taken over. Thankfully, both of the guys had laughed. After that things went a bit more smoothly. By the time my lunch hour was over, I had been offered a job which I readily accepted.

"Let's get in touch sometime next week to go over the finer details," Paul had said.

"Sure. What day works best for you?"

"We've got meetings all week, except for Monday and Wednesday night," Jared said.

"Yeah, but we have D&D on Monday night," Paul interrupted.

I perked up a bit. I hadn't played D&D in years. "You guys play?"

"Yeah. You?" Jared asked me.

"Not since college."

"We can always use another person or two. Let me talk to the others and maybe you can join us for a game on Monday night."

"I've got plans with my girl this Monday," I told them.

"Oh, yeah. Bella's awesome. I've met her briefly. See if she wants to play and let us know."

We shook hands and said our goodbyes. The minute I got back to the library, I sent Bella text. She called me a little bit later, and I filled her in on my good news. She was ecstatic. Heck, she even squealed which had me cracking up.

On Sunday we'd had brunch with my folks, and Bella had informed me how hot it was when I was arguing with Jasper about who was cooler, Wolverine or Iron Man. Obviously, it was Iron Man. An idiot would realize that. And on the way home, my sweet girl had asked me to move in with her. I was thrilled. I was going to be living with my girl all the time. We spent the early part of the week, moving most of my stuff in. I'd been appalled at the lack of order on her bookshelves. I quickly fixed that.

By the time Tuesday night rolled around, we were all anxious to hear what Mark had to say. I just hoped he had something good to say. Like, Caius had been caught. I had a feeling that was wishful thinking.

I had just finished rearranging the DVDs by title and genre when the front door opened and Bella came in followed by Jake and Seth.

"How's it going, Little Cullen?" Jake called as he walked into our kitchen, making himself at home.

"I'm doing pretty good all things considered," I told him before turning to Bella. "Bella?"

"Yeah, babe?"

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